Tuesday, November 29, 2011

More Story Time

Do not forget that when www3 breaks out, there are only a handful of


around on this planet. But sure, let all the sheeple and cattlemen forget and let's just fight and kill each other.

Other good story lines : Betrayal, Traitors, Enemy Within

Many heads going to be hanging at the Market Place.

Cartoon Time


6th June 6pm 2012

Flying saucers flying everywhere

Oops!! shoot, shoot, shoot

People running everywhere

No place to hide

Roast chickens!!!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Non GMO farms to file suit against GMO food

Non GMO farms to file suit against GMO food. It is becoming clearer that GMO food is not good for health and may lead to infertility.

What is freedom to you?

What is freedom to you? To some freedom means the freedom to take drugs, have pornography every where, having chaos.

Many empires and societies have fallen due to letting evil into their midst. What is evil? Evil is doing harm to self, others. What is good? Good is not doing harm to self and others. This is not about religion.

Why followers of Lucifer have to hide in secrecy? It is because it will not be accepted by the majority. Some will follow Lucifer because they think he will bring fame and fortune. But when Lucifer takes hold of you, you want to get out of it, because man is made to do good. Good will always triumph in the end.

Why Randy Travis should be as famous

Here's why I think Randy Travis should be as famous as Elvis, the Beatles etc. He just has to stand and sing and you will still want to listen to him. He has a voice from "Heaven". Listen to Randy Travis and see if you agree.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Science Fiction and Fantasy

Using one nation to take down another nation. The world is watching what's going to happen to America and Europe. Whatever happens to America and Europe will happen to the rest of the world and worse. They are blond and blue eyes, we are not. Don't deceive yourselves. I hope the Bushes, Clintons and the others can continue to laugh when the truth becomes reality. They think they are luminated but only ill - luminated. FEMA camps in the USA. Why don't they start tours for the general public to these FEMA camps, so they can see for themselves before it's too late.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Building bonds of friendship

Build bonds of friendship across all race, cultures, language and religion, if not, then hate and kill one another and help them achieve their agenda - depopulation. They think there are too many people on this planet. Women, children, men will then suffer from all kinds of atrocities, uranium tip weapons (radiation), get maimed, buildings get destroyed, diseases, refugees have no where to go. They are very good at setting up bogus enemies except themselves. It is true that in all societies there will always be a few who want chaos and atrocities and evil. Do it and blame it on someone else. Seems like a never ending Age of deception again.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Listen to Randy Travis

Listen to Randy Travis (country song) - love you forever and ever, it may set your heart at ease and remove all the negativities. Humanity is now at the crossroads, only the Generals and Commanders all over the world can decide on the future of humanity or will they just blindly follow orders and see the carnage that will come through wars and regret only when it is all done and too late. Just as there are Gods of Wars, there are also Gods of Peace and Hope.



R & R & R & V & G

R C J others

There are only a few trillionaires on this planet. They are trying very hard to launch WW3. How do you recognise the new "Hitler" in this 21st century. The Generals and Commanders will have to answer this question. In the early stage, it is not so obvious to say who is the new "Hitler" Will the Generals and Commanders just obey orders? People are waking up to their plot but many will still participate knowingly or unknowingly in their scams and frauds.

The new Gold and Silver scam - if you participate in trading in these gold and silver ...the man on the street will not know whether they are buying real gold and silver or gold and silver plated items. We are living in the Age of deception. With so many countries going bankrupt, don't you think it will be wiser to build underground storage facilities and store your valuables in these underground facilities then keep them in the bank. More people are losing money than making money on the stock market and other financial derivatives etc. So keep joining in these scams and frauds to give away your hard earned money.

Americans are very confident because they have weapons but what makes you think they are going house to house to remove those weapons. What if they plan biological, chemical or nuclear warfare? Hope it will not be too late when you wake up. The enemy is not China or Russia or ???? Why are they not renewing the old cities?? Know the answer to this and it may save your lives.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

What should you do if you are a terrorist

If you are a terrorist, go and find other terrorists and you know what to do with them.

If someone tells you to do jihad, find out where your leaders are getting their funding.

If not, things will just continue. So wake up and find the truth.

Why the Financial Markets will continue as the biggest Gambling dens

Here's why the financial markets will continue to be the biggest gambling dens. This is because there are people willing to participate in them. If people stop participating in these deceptive financial products, then it will stop, otherwise it will just continue. So people are responsible for what's happening.

What is the stock market? More and more "intelligent" men are going into the financial sector wrecking their brains how to take money away from you. But some will say, do your homework and know what stocks to buy, there are some "brilliant" men wearing ties who say yes, they are very good in stock picking. Well, here's the truth, many companies are now not just involved in running their daily business, but are also gambling in these dubious financial products, so you are indirectly participating in these gambling activities. We are living in the age of deception. As long as people continue to participate in these activities, they will continue. Continue to sleep and these activities will continue.

Dreams will become reality?? Here's the truth, some people's dreams are your nightmare. If their dreams, which are your nightmare becomes reality, people will have to live in hell. Earth can be heaven or hell, but it is becoming more and more like hell. People are just ready to go out and demonstrate and protest. Have they asked themselves how to turn things around without just depending on others. They are killing one another.... they are helping to depopulate the earth.

Cold, Hard Facts

Here are some cold, hard facts.

As long as there are people out there willing to pay for cigarettes, there will be people out there producing and selling to them.

As long as there are people out there willing to pay for drugs, there will be people out there producing and selling to them.

As long as there are people out there willing to gamble, there will be people out there operating casinos.

As long as there are people out there willing to kill one another, there will be people out there willing to sell their weapons.

And so the story goes.

But now, some companies are even giving out free cigarettes to young children to get them hooked on cigarettes so the neighbourhood and adults have to be alert and catch these people or your future generation will be ruined. Be asleep and all these activities will continue.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Death and destruction will come out of the protests

If you can't even talk to your representatives what is the point of protesting? The Rulers are Gods of Wars. They see themselves as Gods who decide who lives and who dies. They are waiting for millions to pour onto the streets, then they will in a blink of an eye send in saboteurs who will destroy buildings and kill some policemen, then the country will declare emergency rule. This is what protesting will lead to. Even the military will be forced to take action. May God Bless Mankind.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Nuclear energy is not clean energy

They are trying very hard to mislead the public that nuclear energy is a clean energy. It is not. It produces radioactive wastes and they don't know how to deal with it.

Nuclear energy - most expensive option

Nuclear energy is the most expensive option. It may take you back to not just stone age days but worse than stone age days. It can take you to No Man's Land.

Hold dialogue sessions with your representatives

Hold dialogue sessions with your representatives to find out what's happening. Has organised crime taken over. Beware of betrayal. They kill, bribe, assasinate etc. to achieve their goals. They will use your own greed to trap you so that they can use you to take advantage or take out your so called enemy and then it's your turn. They want you to kill each other and use up all your resources fighting one another so that you will be weak, then they will move in and take you out.

Greedy people's money will be taken away from them first

Greedy people's money or inexperienced, unwary investors' money will be taken away from them first by fraud, scam etc.

Some individuals have come to Singapore to sell 5 USA properties for US$200,000 and promise 20% return. I hope the Monetary Authority of Singapore look into this before more people end up at Speakers Corner to get back their money. Stop all dubious investments companies from operating in Singapore.

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Mini ice age - food shortages

Some people are predicting a mini ice age coming upon us and this will result in food shortages. You do not need to expect Siberian type of temperature to bring about a mini ice age. All that is needed is just more snow storms and this is already happening in the North.

To make matters even more dire will be a war with ......

Please watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkCvB0JWcug&feature=related

More duck and chicken farms

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Unnamed Flying Objects

UFOs have always been associated with extra terrestrial flying objects manned by some extra terrestrials. But I will call these UFOs (unnamed flying objects) because they have not been officially introduced to the public.

Many former US Presidents had made references to the Military Industrial Complex, a top top secret Complex. No one knows what's going on inside there. They have cautioned the public to keep an eye on going on in the Military Industrial Complex. Well, since this is the only complex that is so top top secret, doesn't it make sense that these UFOs are being manufactured inside there.

We will have to wait for them to declassify the Military Industrial Complex for public knowledge and then we will also have anti-gravity devices. Buildings can go up to 300 storeys with these anti-gravity devices built into them. Cool, isn't it, but then we will need to have cool leaders to lead the people to have these anti- gravity technology unclassified. Even the earth is expanding, even nature is taking care of the population, more lands will be coming up. So why are they so worried about the population figure.

Which way will they go?
1) Have armies go into cities, kill the population and destroy all the infrastructure


2) Introduce all these new technology to the public and make a transformation.

Every time I mention about planting more trees, very coincidentally there will be a huge forest fire somewhere.

They want you to go out into the streets to protest rather than have you planting fruit trees and growing vegetables. They want to take you down.. you still don't get it??? New World or New World Order of NATO (for now). They are representing us, so they say, and they have the international community supporting them, do they????

4 billion pound of flesh

You thought Hitler was the worst that mankind had experience. What is coming is exponentially worst. They are coming for 4 billion pound of flesh.

All the penitence that they are asking you to make preparations, the evolving of our DNA as though you are going to somewhere wonderful, the dimensional change that mankind will be experiencing is subtly telling you to surrender your pound of flesh. This is going to happen unless they are stopped.

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

11 11 11

If you are living in Japan or America please watch this :


Frequent earthquakes have been recorded in some areas.

Mega earthquake, tsunami may occur on 11 11 11. For safety purposes, you may wish to shut down all nuclear plants. Better safe than sorry. Maybe declare holiday on 11 11 11. This date has been spotted in the movie (a warning to the public) and in a crop circle.

According to the Chinese, 11 11 is actually a lucky day. Many people get married on this date.

Gobble, Gobble, Gobble

The Gobbler is going

Gobble, gobble, gobble

if you are not careful, it will be gobbled up.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Flying saucers and anti gravity technology

How much do you think these flying saucers are worth?

How about the anti- gravity technology?

Listen to William Cooper and Lindsey Williams to know more......

Dialogue sessions with the trillionaires

Yes, trillionaires... have dialogue sessions with the trillionaires. Do you even know them? So far you have only heard about billionaires, but the trillionaires seldom appear in the news or in the newspaper. Don't you think they will be proud to let you know them, and thank them for the present state of affairs. They will be able to explain to you why such things are happening because we the citizens are too dense to understand their workings. They think they are saving the planet by achieving their agenda. Have them explain to the world cause all the common folks cannot understand the story behind the actions. Don't they go around to shake hands with the common folks in shopping malls or eateries? All those Singaporeans who are in the United States, please ask them to explain. They have free speech there you know and human rights too.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

A hole in the bucket

There's a hole in the bucket, dear lizza, dear lizza
There's a hole in the bucket, dear lizza.





Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Mega disasters and more wars coming

The Rulers of the World AGENDA will bring about mega disasters and more wars are coming. Some of these mega disasters (could be nuclear blasts, plagues, earth quakes, tsunamis etc) will be blamed on acts of Terrorism or some enemy state. The depopulation agenda or the Rulers of the world is only one of their Agenda. Please watch out on 11 November 2011 or 9 November 2011.

The Final Agenda is who is going to sit on the THRONE of the World.

Mankind, please wake up, whether you are a journalist, a news announcer, in the military or police etc, don't play into the hands of the Rulers of the World, because it is very likely that many will end up DEAD.

Rulers of the World

Here is an exam question. Who are the rulers of the World? Committee of 300, Council of Foreign Relations, Club of Rome etc. please do your research and learn more about who are ruling the world. 

The next question is what is their Agenda? Depopulation - their reason is that there are too many people on this planet and if the population is not reduced, the population will destroy the planet. But you see more and more accidental pollution by oil spills, forest fires and chemical plant explosions. These accidental pollution are destroying the planet not the population. 

Extreme weather of flood and drought - with globalisation all these problems can be solved.

How about too many cars on the roads and pollution by these vehicles? People can be persuaded to take public transport if there are efficient public transport for them to take. There seems to be a tussel between the car manufacturers and the people in control of petrol.

There is no lack of ideas on solving problems on our planet but the question is why don't they do it then. It is more likely that there is a hidden agenda and solving problems on our planet do not fit it with their agenda. When we get to know what the agenda is, it will be too late.

Webster Tarpley is suggesting many realistic solutions to present day problems but will they be implemented. The answer is no, if it does not fit in with the agenda of the rulers of the world. It is like banging your head against the wall. It will just get bloody and no action will be taken. 

If you are protesting in the street, you are being allowed to do so by the rulers of the world, it is because it fits in with their agenda. You are genuinely frustrated, angry and have many grievances and so you innocently march into the street, but have you spoken to the heads of the police, the military etc. before you go out and march into the street. Are your police and military standing on the side of the people or will they follow the instructions of the Rulers of the World? The Arab spring already shows you what has been planned by the Rulers of the World. She came, she saw and he died. 

When everything is revealed, it will be too late. Just like the Commanders and Generals of Hitler, they just followed him until they realise what he was trying to do.

Read Pike's letter where it was revealed to him by Lucifer that there were going to be 3 world wars detailing who is going to fight against whom and the result to be secured. It has all been planned and are being planned. So all the Commanders, Generals and devout followers of Rulers of the World, don't be too confident that you stand with the Winner who is going to take care of you because the Winner may not. You will end up like the Commanders and Generals of Hitler.

Do your own research and find out who wants to come out the Winner of the battles on this planet. There is not going to be golden days ahead with a new sunrise unless mankind wakes up and realise not to fight one another but work together to find solutions to solve problems on this planet. There are off course racists but they will just be used by the Rulers of the World to achieve their agenda.

Lucifer will do anything to achieve his agenda - murder, assassinate, bribe, bring destruction. The Rulers of the World decide who lives and who dies.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Euro collapse and behold a pale horse - Bill Cooper

When I first heard William Cooper "Behold a pale horse", I had difficulty trying to understand what he was trying to say because everything still appeared to be fine. Everything was going fine with people profiting from rising house prices very rapidly, until the housing bubble burst. Massive numbers of people lost their homes in the United States of America (to my knowledge) and some other countries?

There is a lot of difference between someone taking down their political opponents and a group of men taking down countries. When countries become bankrupt, the masses suffers.

But, with the imminent collapse of some European countries, what he had been saying in "Behold a pale horse" is becoming clearer. Bankrupt nations that borrow from the International Monetary Fund or World Bank may/are going to lose their sovereignty.

The Terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre on 911 - what happened after that? United States went to war with Iraq and Afghanistan. I have no inside knowledge, I am no journalist and I am no agent - but what happened after 911 gives clues as to what is going on.

The whole picture has not yet been revealed but bits and pieces of clues are appearing. Americans and Europeans, I urge you to listen to "Behold a pale horse" by William Cooper. William Cooper is no personal friend of mine but he has already left this planet ..my surmise is that he died for revealing certain highly classified information. I am under no illusion that what happens in America and Europe has no impact on Asia....it will come upon everyone of us on this planet if we just sit in the car and fall asleep while the driver is bringing us to a new destination (it doesn't appear to be a wonderful new destination but rather leading us to a society led by the Luciferian cult called "The New World Order".)

A lot of people thinks that what Alex Jones is saying is a lot of hot air, but it is becoming clearer what he is trying to warn the people in America. Switch off CNN, because it is no longer the CNN it used to be. 

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Labelling non GMO foods

Are GMO foods as good as they are trying very hard to convince you. If GMO foods are really as good as they say, they will be rushing to label their foods, but they are not. This tells you that GMO foods are not as good as they say they are. Non GMO food has become a brand name, it is time they label their food as non GMO. Why are some farmers forced to used GMO seeds? If these GMO seeds are as good as they say, they do not need to force farmers to use GMO seeds

Vaccination and Bill Gates Foundation

Bill Gates is an IT man, what has vaccination got to do with him. I would think that giving $100 computers to the poor is more related to what he can do for the world. What has happened to the $100 computer project?

99% of the people in this world only wants a decent living. The terrorists or the violent people are only a very small percentage. But the Drivers (elitist controllers) wants to have a say on who lives and who dies. They are making this fact loud and clear. They are saying clearly that even Americans or Europeans are not in control, this group of elitist are. This group of elitist comes all from all types of nationalities, skin colour or religion. They do or do not belong to any nation, they can be of any color, white, yellow, brown or black. They do or do not belong to any religion.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The heaven concept

God created the world in six days and took a rest (forever?). 

When Jesus said "My Kingdom" is not of this world", my guess is that Lucifer was jumping with joy. Isn't this like the mother who gives birth to her sons and daughters: the moment they are born, she says to them, my children, I am leaving you and entrusting you to the drug traffickers, the child kidnappers, the gamblers to care for you. All the people have to pray day and night to survive and make a decent living.

Did God create this world for Lucifer to create havoc and chaos? 

Hold public talks with the World Financiers

One of the best way to resolve the financial crisis is to hold public forums with the people who control the World Financial System. There has to be some accountability. Many people are still unaware or in disbelief that there is absolutely a group of people who control the destiny of countries. These "elitist" decide which countries are allowed to prosper and which countries should be taken down. A lot of it off course lies with their own country rulers, whether they distribute the wealth to the people or not. It came quite as a shock to learn that citizens of some Arab countries live on only 2 dollars a day.

Fact 1 : The Federal Reserve is owned by a group of individuals and not the citizens of America. It is not under the control of the American government. Many do not believe this to be true. The public thinks that the Federal Reserve is owned by the Government of the United States of America. Well, if these individuals own the Federal Reserve, and the US Dollars is the World Currency, can you now see how these individuals control the World. As Obama had said during his election campaign "he will go through line by line" - the budget and the expenses of the Federal Reserve - go through line by line. 

The "elitist" who control the world do not believe that all countries can prosper at the same time. If Orchid flourishes then Hibiscus has to wither. I hope that the "elitist" will reconsider and find solutions to allow all countries to trade with one another and prosper.

As Webster Tarpley has proposed, tax the derivatives market and the World Financial Crisis will be solved over night. In the public forum with the World Financiers, ask why the Derivatives Market cannot be taxed. 

On Terrorist 9 -11 . Who was the President and Vice President of the United States when 911 occurred?

Answer : George Bush Jr and Dick Cheney.  Full Stop.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Get an interview with the Rothschild

There seems to be an increasing massive accidental environmental pollutions due to oil spills, chemical plants explosions, forest fires.....

Citizens' self empowerment is the way to improve our lives on this planet. There are many paths to take, each has to choose their own path for we are all born unique.

With all the protests (this shows the rage of the people) going on in the world due to financial mismanagement, frauds and scams, why not get an interview with the Rothschild and the others who are responsible for the financial system of the world. Why go and protest in the streets and get beaten up and who knows what other hidden underlying agendas that are set up behind the scene.

Albert Pike Letter of 1871

Albert Pike had a dream when Lucifer appeared to him and told him of the 3 world wars humanity will go through.

This is part an alleged letter Albert Pike sent to Mazzini. (http://www.cosmicgnostic.com/node/726)

"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way the Islam the Moslem Arabic World and political Zionism(the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion. We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

This is what a group of "elitist" are planning to bring about.
The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the "agentur" (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the othergovernments and in order to weaken the religions."
"The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm."
"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the "agentur" (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions."
"The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm."
"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Agricultural institutes in Singapore??

If not enough jobs can be created, have an agricultural institute in Singapore. Attract students from all over the world to come here and study agriculture in Singapore. Seems like er... because we have so little land?? But then why not? 

Major Solar flares??

Some people are predicting major solar flares which will cause huge devastation on our planet. These solar flares are expected to hit earth between now and end 2012. Possible consequences are loss of communication and drying up of land causing food shortages.

The world used to fear the "Elite" or shadow government controlling the world, but it seems like they have lost control of their own people. If the financial system continues along the same way, the "elite" are actually doing themselves in. They will lose control of everything if they do not turn things around and start on projects that benefit mankind. They have been in control for so long that they are becoming complacent, thinking everything will go the way they want, but signs are already underway that they are going to lose.

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Chile earthquake in 2010

Chile earthquake happened on 27 Feb 2010 at 3:34

27 = 2 + 7 = 9

9 + 2(feb) = 11

Japan earthquake happened on 11 March 2011 (11/3/11) at 14:46
day + year = 1 +1 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 6
6 + month(3) = 9
9 + 6 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6

time 14:46 = 1 + 4 + 4 + 6 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6

Haiti earthquake happened on 12 Jan 2010 at 16:53
day 12 = 1+2= 3
year 2010 = 2 + 1 = 3
3 + 3 = 6

time 16:53 = 1+ 6 + 5 + 3 =15 = 1 + 5 =6

11/9/11 coming

11/9/11 is coming. 

Coincidentally, YU55 is closest to earth on 11/8/11. 

Is some big bad event coming???


Is something big going to happen on 11-11-11. If it does, it is not going to be something good.

Add up 11-11-11 and you get 6.... ah whose number is that?

and how about the 11-11 hour ....

so 11-11-11 day at 11-11-11 time....see, there are 6 elevens ....

May humanity win.

Sunday, October 02, 2011


If everyone in the world is a gambler, then you can expect casinos to be everywhere in the world, but there is actually a small percentage of gamblers because they know that gambling is a losing game. So, comes some mighty crooked minds who thought of a way to put their hands on the money of the world through what they call "investing" and so they "invest" the money of banks, insurance companies, companies, trust funds, charitable companies, foundations and all others. These are the so called elite bright thieving minds who answer to some master thieves and robbers.

It is "investing"  to bankruptcy - this century's heist.

It is called investing only if you grow the money, otherwise it is called gambling.

Let's see if they can recover back the money or come up with a solution.

Why invest if you are going to end up bankrupt? 

Whose agenda?

Is it Lucifer's agenda?

Is it Extra Terrestrial agenda?

If earth is destroyed or become inhabitable, it has to be their agenda.

Humanity's agenda is to make our planet a beautiful and wonderful place to live in.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Two Options - One Choice

If you have 2 options and only one choice, which would you choose. If you have to choose between energy and food which would you choose. The obvious choice is food. It better not to have nuclear power plants which are a potential hazard - possibility of covering land and sea with radiation and you can't grow any crops or have fresh water to drink. 

Better to live in the stone age with land to plough and food to grow then to have vast wasteland of nuclear radiation where you have to die of starvation and radiation.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

All Hell about to break loose????

Elenin is approaching earth and this is expected to bring earthquakes of magnitude 13 - 15, Solar flares and UV radiation.

What's with 27 September 2011??

Firstly, this is the 9 month of the year.

27 = 2 + 7 =9

So we have 9 9 11

9+ 9 =18 = 1 + 8 = 9    WOW!!!     ANOTHER 9

It's triple 9 11 !!!

27 Sept 2011 is a triple 9 11.

For safety purposes, it may be wise to shut down all nuclear power plants.

29 Sept 2011 ---add up to Lucifer number

29  9  2011

There are 2 nines in the date

2 + 9 = 11 (day)

This makes 2 elevens in the date

1 + 1 = 2 

2+9 =11 (add the month)

1 + 1 = 2 + 2 + 1 +1  = 6 (Lucifer's number ) (add day month year)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Doomsday coming ??????

Sept 26 - 29 2011 ....expect mega tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruption, super heat?????

The world is going to turn upside down????

Will the ground quickly slip beneath our feet??

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Dates to watch out for 26, 27, 28, 29 Sept 2011

Elenin will be passing between the earth and the sun from 26 till 28 or 29 Sept 2011. Some people are predicting a + 10 earthquake. Are these earthquakes natural or man made? 

Co-incidentally, the UN is casting their votes on 28 Sept 2011.

Saturday, September 03, 2011

Greed leads to blindness

Greed leads to blindness. Because of greed, industrialists are allowed to dump toxic wastes on land. It is cheaper to treat the toxic waste than to let it be dumped onto the land. But greed has led to blindness, so they can no longer logic it out. With all the toxic waste dumped on the land, it is very obvious that it is going to be more expensive to later try to clean the land from toxic waste. In the meantime, all the residents near these toxic dumps suffer from irreversible ill health. Try dumping these toxic waste on some VVIP front yard or back yard, then you will know what the consequences are.

Monday, June 27, 2011

The half-life of thorium-232 is about 14.05 billion years.

Here are some facts on Thorium.

The half-life of thorium-232 is about 14.05 billion years.

Can someone please explain to me how thorium can be a safe alternative to Uranium in the production of nuclear energy?

Twenty-seven radioisotopes have been characterized, with a range in atomic weight from 210 u (210Th) to 236 u (236Th).[8] The most stableisotopes are:

  • 232Th with a half-life of 14.05 billion years, it represents all but a trace of naturally occurring thorium.
  • 230Th with a half-life of 75,380 years. Occurs as the daughter product of 238U decay.
  • 229Th with a half-life of 7340 years. It has a nuclear isomer (or metastable state) with a remarkably low excitation energy of 7.6 eV.[9]
  • 228Th with a half-life of 1.92 years.

All of the remaining radioactive isotopes have half-lives that are less than thirty days and the majority of these have half-lives that are less than ten minutes.

Above facts taken from Wikipedia.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Bankruptcy of countries

Bankruptcy of banks lead to bankruptcy of countries leading to loss of sovereignty and towards One World Government. So let banks do as they please and let them bankrupt your country?

Do things sometimes seem illogical, unreasonable, inexplicable" - if you understand that it is the objective of Lucifer to destroy and create chaos then you will understand what is happening. 

Building learning institutions, agricultural institutes, planting more trees, fruit trees and flowers, flowers that attract bees. Proper management of forests and floods. You think governments don't know how to do all these. If they are not looking after the welfare of the people, it is not because they do not know what to do. There is a more sinister plot behind the scene, controlled by Lucifer. 

It is mankind vs Lucifer. Christ said "My kingdom is not of this world". So guess who is in charge?

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

To all those spouting depopulation

To all those spouting depopulation, please start with yourselves, your families and relatives first.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

What will happen if you keep on pushing up prices..speculation

What will happen if you keep on pushing up prices ? Let's say for example, property prices. If property prices keep going up, more people will go into the property market to build and to buy. Even people without money will want to buy property if property keeps going up. Builders also want to build more homes because they see they can make money if property prices keep going up. This will continue until the price of the property is so high that the people who really need a home and not speculate on property, find that they can't buy a home. So more and more people will jump in and speculate in the property market and when the bubble bursts, banks need to get bailed out, in the mean time, all those involved in the transactions have already collected the money. 

Similarly, if commodity prices keep going up, more and more speculators are going to go into the commodity market to speculate. Finally when the commodity prices are so high, they find that they can't sell it to the people who really need them, because the price is too high. So pop, down the price come tumbling down, banks get hit again. But those involved in the transactions have already collected their money.

The question to ask is, is the price a speculative price or a real price of supply and demand? Even supply and demand can be manipulated. Like those people who store oil in oil tankers waiting for the price of oil to shoot up. Yes, if they own the fields, they can stop the supply or they can store in warehouses. 

In the end, what is the objective of Lucifer? To make companies, banks and individuals go bankrupt through excessive speculation and/or to drive up the prices of commodities so that the man in the street cannot afford it.. ..depopulation through starvation. After banks go bankrupt, austerity measures to make the people suffer. Manipulation by Lucifer.

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

What does bankrupting banks mean?

Bankrupting banks is the same as bankrupting countries. So who is doing this? The Luciferian cult?

First round of bankrupting banks - Governments bail out banks. Indirectly stealing from governments.

Second round of bankrupting banks - Will government bail out banks again, if not then it is directly stealing from the people.

In the past, they will call this ROBBERY!!

The second round of bankrupting banks will impoverish the people even more time. 

So just sit and do nothing!!

What Lucifer will do to this planet has already been planned centuries ago, and this is written for everyone to know. Just refer to the Bible. 

If there is no alternative plan to ruin 'Lucifer', then what is written will come true.

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Are things changing for the better?

Here are some indicators on whether things are getting better.

1) Range trading is introduced for stock market, commodities, etc all over the world. No more getting rich fast, and having governments to bail out companies. Are we just going to continue as in the past?

2) Introduction of levies on residential land (above a minimum) owned. This is to ensure a fairer playing field for all.

3) Categorise videos like films are subjected to. There is getting more and more pornographic acts in videos.

Total amount of money in foundations

Statistics on the total amount of money kept in foundations will give people a better idea of how these foundations are managed and how the funds are being used. 

Greed will lead to downfall

Greed will lead to downfall. Selling land and resources at the highest possible price rather than catering to the citizens at large. They don't care whether citizens can afford to buy the houses built. When buying bonds, ask what the money is going to be used for. If the money is used in the production of weapons, wars (space and earth), how do the rest of the citizens get jobs when the money is not pumped into the rest of the economy. When money is only used in the production of weapons, who do you think these weapons are going to be used against. Chaos is what Lucifer wants. It doesn't care about what happens to the people. (Michael Jackson(USA) said in a song "they don't care about us". Being illuminated does not only mean illuminated in acquisition of money. 

Distribution of wealth when land and resources(these belong to the country and to the people) are sold .. 30 % of profit goes to  government, 30% goes to the people and 30 % goes to the company ... here the percentages are put up as an example.  

Derivatives ... when will they release the statistics?

Greed and wars had led empires to crumble in the past. 

Care and good management of land for plants, trees, flowers, fishes, animals, birds  will lead to abundance for man not the other way round. 

Time for a new renaissance - out with  indecent clothing and acts. 

Monday, May 30, 2011

Lady Gaga show

Lady Gaga show is just 





I cannot understand all the publicity she is receiving.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

What's in a date?

What's in a date ... example 29 May 2011

The year 2011 contains 11 ... so expect a lot of things to happen

29 = 2 + 9 = 11

29 May 2011 = 2 +9 + 5 + 2 + 0 + 1 +1 = 11 + 5 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 1 = 1 +1 + 5 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 1 = 11

This date has a 9 in it, adds up to 11, day + month + year, also equals 11

1800 hrs = 1 + 8 + 0 + 0 = 9

How about 29 April 2011 .. here it is only the date that adds up to 11, but it is an A for April.

How about M A S O N ?

M = March , May

A = April

S = September

O - October

N = November

How about 911 ... 9 + 1 + 1 = 11 .. not only is 9 and 11 in it, but it also adds up to 11.

Some people sure likes a lot of 9 and 11.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Albert Pike and the 3 world wars

 In his dreams, Lucifer revealed to Albert Pike (1809 - 1891) the 3 world wars. Yes, the 3 world wars had been planned even as early as in the 1800's.


The 3 world wars had been planned a long, long time ago. Do you have any more doubts about 911? People are not allowed to say  that 911 is an inside job. Lucifer is still very much alive.  Do you wonder why Osama bin Laden is dead, and he is still a threat. Whether Osama is alive or not, he is being used as a threat.

Only mankind can prevent the wars. It is always better to trade with one another than to go to war.

Lucifer is a very sly and devious. Countries which seemingly are stronger than others will be played out by 'Lucifer', as they will come forward to sell weapons to their adversaries so that the the opposing sides will be evenly matched and they will fight for as long as they decide that the war will continue until both sides kill and destroy each other as much as possible. 

Even if 'Lucifer' assures you that it is alright to attack other countries and that they will not interfere, do not be tricked by them as was Saddam Hussein was tricked. Lucifer will falsely offer you wealth and power, but do not trust them. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Can aliens wear clothes?

So far all the photos of aliens have no clothes on. I just wonder whether they can wear clothes. If they can wear clothes what attire will they choose. Imagine an alien in a cowboy suit.

I just watched a video .. do not shoot at the aliens... cause they are much more advanced than us

Focusing on construction and not destruction

Follow the trail of money that is being spent building weapons and creating wars. If leaders do not change their plans and continue to destroy instead of building, then there is a need to change the leaders. It is not possible to conquer the hearts of men through war. A better way is to have more schools and institutions of learning, agricultural schools and institutions.

What is there to fear other than nuclear weapons and HAARP? Schools can only bring about good. Bring on the hidden energy and antigravity technology. Sharing of such information with the scientific community can bring about huge gains in new inventions. New money can be made. Life can be more exciting.

Reminds me of the movie on the last Emperor of china - the Emperor just enjoyed himself at his palace not caring how the rest of his country lived. He was too confident of his power.

Those with lots of land are not fully utilising their resources. There need to have spaces for plants. It is important not to only retain the natural forests but to create new ones. (Management of forests to prevent forest fires). Tornadoes and hurricanes are trying to tell mankind what to do.

Use resources to bring about good for as many people as possible.

Lucifer wants to do away with the middle class that can think and only wants to have slaves and themselves in control. ... The last Emperor of China.....

What to do in tornado cities?

It seems logical to have underground cities where there are tornados and hurricanes and plant redwood forests, olive trees, coconut trees, palm trees etc. above. Bring back nature to the land so that the land will be fertile and brooks, lakes will return once more.

Lucifer wants to turn this planet to wasteland and murder three quarters of the population.

Lucifer music and drugs

I had felt for some time that something is not right with the music coming into the scene.
The music industry has been infiltrated by Lucifer and his drug lords.
Parents have to play their part in guiding their children not to listen to such music and also not to attend such functions and shows.

If both parents are working, be vigilant that your children are not introduced to drugs. You have to check their bags every day to make sure they don't bring drugs home.

Parents and communities have to ensure that they have a drug free environment.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What the Bible is telling you

There are many clues in the Bible telling you what Lucifer has in store for mankind.

The Iron Mountain Report

All countries, please read the Iron Mountain Report. They want to do themselves and the rest of the world in.

Creating a new destiny for mankind

Too much money is going into production of weapons. In USA, from what I have read, every 50 cents out of a dollar goes into production of weapons, Missile Defence Shield (Stars Wars) and other black ops operations that citizens have no idea what they are.

Let's look at what is important and needs to be done all over the world:

1) Management of forests - preventing fires, illegal logging

2) Planting new trees, fruit trees and flowers

3) Cleaning up of rivers, lakes, oceans

4) Producing clean water and energy

This is the world we want.

Why are all these objectives not being pursued? Read the Iron Mountain Report and you will know why these objectives are not being pursued. If you read about disease, wars, poverty .. these are the pursuit and objectives of the Luciferian cult. The first thing the United Nations have to do, is to go after the Luciferian cult. The people are tired of wars and listening to wars on the media. We want to hear about new inventions which will make the lives of the people better. Perhaps the Federal Reserve, which people are looking at pursuing policies that are not benefitting the people, can put up a $100 million or $1 Trillion reward for whoever can discover the lost works of Victor Shauberger or who can pursue this perpetual motion machine. If you look out into space, everything is floating in space. Planets are rotating without using any form of energy that we know of.

What is Wikileaks leaking .. all the unimportant conversations. Where are the hidden works of antigravity? This is what people want to know.

It is quite obvious that Strauss Kahn - being handcuffed and treated this way .. it is a political move.

A more caring world (Not New World Order) that can be created from leaders from any part of the world .. globalisation.

The younger generation is waking up, but they have to be careful not to be used. Don't demonstrate without knowing who is the hidden power behind the scene.

Creating a new desti


Friday, May 13, 2011

Has Alien taken over earth?

I have to raise this question regarding whether an alien species has taken over earth. With the Mississippi flooding, with USA high technology, I wonder where the water pumps, water hoses are? Where are the water truck tankers? Shouldn't there even be other high tech equipment to handle flooding?Is it really intentional to flood the area and start a 10.0 earthquake/tsunami? We need not wait long to see the outcome. ...21 May 2011????

After the 911 incident, all saw what the outcome was - invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Phase 1
World War 3 coming? If not, armageddon is being planned. Super tsuamis, super earthquakes, and super tornadoes.

Is it the alien faction or the Lucifer faction or both, seeking to destroy all (or most) the inhabitants on earth??

Phase 2
Bad seeds/no seeds - GMO -the next phase to starve the population, those that have not been destroyed.

Phase 3
RFID of people - control of money and people and their movements. The New World Order is in place.

Alien/Lucifer vs mankind??

Those who are in the position to change the destiny of mankind .......please do so

Thursday, May 12, 2011

A new script writer for the human race

The world needs a new script writer, not one that consists of war after war after war, never ending wars. Wars bankrupt countries (the citizen and people) but put money in bankers pocket.

Not one with disease, poverty and starvation.

Not one full of suffering and victims.

Don't forget that Hitler did not do it alone. He had Generals and Commanders to carry out his orders. If you are a General or a Commander, do not be too trigger happy because if you obey the wrong Masters, when your usefulness is over, they will do away with you also. Do your homework, find out the truth and don't obey blindly. Do what is good. The destiny of the world lies in the hands of Generals and Commanders all over the world.

The followers of Lucifer are out to create havoc and chaos.

Friday, May 06, 2011

Human Chain of Millions of people

With all these flooding in various places, form human chains of millions of people to scoop up the water and pour it somewhere else where it is needed.

Join the Army, Join Blackwater

When world WW3 begins, just shoot HITLER (reincarnated) and all his cronies.

Coming -- coming --- coming

Another major disaster to be blamed on 


Al queda terrorists??? 

Revenge on Osama bin Laden death???  

Coming, coming. The start of WW3 being engineered.

Worldwide concern over "Shadow Government"

If there is a Shadow Government that controls mankind behind the scene, the world is concern and should be concern. 

If hundreds of billions of dollars is unaccounted for and used for black operations whatever they may be, citizens are just as concerned and worried as they are about nuclear weapons. 

If the citizens are worried about the mass destruction that nuclear weapons can bring, what about the mass destruction of weapons the public knows little or nothing about.

Beings from outer space

If there are really Beings from outer space, I don't think they will need anyone's approval to appear in front of the public, unless they are living in a vibration that cannot be seen by the naked human eye. 

If  these Beings from outer space have technologies that are far superior than ours on earth, and if they can use ESP or telepathy, then they can unload all these information to all of mankind, why would they only reveal it to a few people who will not even share this information worldwide? 

Sunday, May 01, 2011

USA Flying Saucers equipped with laser beams

USA flying saucers equipped with laser beams.



A Real Threat?

Laser beams that will heat up the earth's plasma core and cause earth's liquefaction as you have seen in the latest 2012 movies.....

Only LOVE and HOPE can save mankind.




Worldwide public debate on alien technology and suppressed energy technology

World wide public debate on alien technology and suppressed energy technology is needed to bring our planet forward and not on a trail of disasters. 

If you are wondering what all those plastic coffins are all over USA - seen in Alex Jones videos - I believe these are being prepared for the people who are going to die from earthquakes and tsunamis in the 'Madrid' fault and the Supervolcano eruption of Yellowstone - man made disasters made to look like natural disasters using prophecies. HAARP!!

It is my feeling that Bill Clinton was going to come forward about all the evil doings to mankind, that they threw those charges at him to silence him.

Canadian Paul Hellyer admits USA has alien technology:

Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about where we're headed (nuclear war) and offered to help. But some had interpreted these visitors as threats and decided to shoot first and answer questions later. It is ironic that USA would begin a devastating war allegedly in search of weapons of mass destruction when the most worrisome development in this field are occurring in their own backyard. The military has spent billions of dollars  on what the Congress and the Commander in Chief are kept in the dark. There is a government within the government who is in control.

It is imperative that leaders in the world find out who is this government within the government is, in control for the sake of the future of the world and for generations to come. This is something that has to be approached worldwide.

Do you want to experience the world as forseen by scientists all over the world? - See Professor Michio Kaku - The world in 2030.


Dangerous levels of Radiation doesn't just cause cancer

Dangerous levels of radiation causes mutation. Mutation can cause 2 heads, 3 or more legs and other abnormalities. More nuclear power disasters caused by earthquakes and tsunamis will be coming and dangerous levels of radiation are going to travel over the world through the air and oceans.  Earth is in serious danger of dangerous levels of contamination. It will be too late not to do anything now. Professor Michio Kaku discusses this in his video 


on how countries can use their military to help overcome the problem.

Depleted uraniums used in warheads also release radioactive materials. Countries where these depleted uraniums are used are being contaminated with radioactive materials. 

Testing of nuclear missiles had also released radioactive materials into the atmosphere and rain will cause these radioactive materials to go into the ground, into streams, rivers and oceans.

So who is responsible for all these. Please find out.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Leuren Moret lectures on youtube

Listen to Leuren Moret lectures on youtube as she explains how radiation is spreading all over the world and their effects. Learn how to protect yourself against radiation. More nuclear power disasters are going to occur due to HAARP or natural disasters, pregnant women are going to give birth to defective children due to radiation and this is going to be passed on from generation to generation.

Please go google Plutonium and Uranium and learn for yourselves the half life of their radioactive isotopes.

After you learn about what is happening, just give LOVE, project loving energies as these loving energies are all around us. Remember you are not alone, all of God's creation loves you. Feel love every moment from the stars, the moon, the oceans, the seas, the lakes, the flowers, the trees and all living creatures around us, for out of every evil, good will be manifested.

May God bless our good earth

HAARP locations worldwide

Check out the HAARP locations worldwide below:

HAARP, or the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, supposedly is an investigation project jointly funded by the United States Air Force, the United States Navy, the University of Alaska, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) which provide a research facility to conduct pioneering experiments in ionospheric phenomena. HAARP is a bed of 48 - 72 foot tall antennas. These antennas which lie in Gakona, Alaska in the Copper River valley are on land owned by the Department of Defense and are located about 260 miles Northeast of Anchorage, Alaska. It's used to analyze basic ionospheric properties and to assess the potential for developing ionospheric enhancement technology for communications and surveillance purposes. That's the official United States government description.


Possible HAARP Locations Around The World Align With Bird Deaths!


Monday, April 25, 2011

Love - Love - Love

God loves you.
The moon and stars loves you.
The trees and flowers loves you.
The oceans, seas, lakes and rivers loves you.
Every grain of sand loves you.
Every drop of water loves you.
All of God's/Allah's creation loves you.
Feel the love all around you.

Round up the real master mind criminals not protest in the street

Time to round up the criminals all over the world, wherever they are and not just protest in the street. Looks like some good guys are in prison under false charges (Eminem, DMX??) while some other master criminal minds are out free creating more havoc and chaos.

Pollution of the earth (BP oil spill) killing birds, fishes, animals and health hazards to human (killing people slowly through toxicity).

Using HAARP to create super earthquakes and super tsunamis changing weather patterns to create droughts and extreme flooding, tornados??

Killing people through starvation, by destroying crop land and raising prices of food.

Bringing about financial tsunami in the world.

What is more secret than nuclear facility?
HAARP weapons of mass destruction using weather
Area 51 - space crafts

Sunday, April 24, 2011

External Threats to Singapore

What are these external threats to Singapore? They may not come from any country but from an "elite" group who will call themselves the New World Order. These external threats to Singapore could come from weather weapons (HAARP), spacecrafts (masked as alien spacecrafts). From what I gather from the internet, even the Chief of Staff (Military/Intelligence) and others in United States are not aware of what all these are. Is this the "Military Industrial Complex" in the United States that only a very select few know and it is on a need to know basis. Is it a branch of Special Operations or Black Operations?? Even the President of the United States is not given access to this information?? All countries can be in danger of losing their sovereignty if they do not get information on these future or very near future threats. The dateline could be

21 May 2011

- could all these physics who foretell rapture/armageddon/mega disasters got some inside information. The dateline is not too far away!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

HAARP Array - Check it out - Benjamin Fulford

HAARP is not just two in Alaska. It is located all over the world. This VLF(very low frequency) / VHF (very high frequency) stations are located all over the world. Are these supposedly radio stations/antennae/handphone signals receiver?? also being used by HAARP. There is one such at HAITI, CHILE and one off Japan (Sendai) where the mega quake/tsunami occurred. There is also one in or around Singapore island. Will the Singapore authorities please verify what that is standing in or around our island and take it down as soon as possible or we may also be hit with a mega tsunami or quake. You can check out the other "HAARP stations" around the world on the internet. There is a map of the "HAARP" array on the internet.

Although I live far away from the Gulf Oil Spill, as a citizen of the world, I am very concern about the health issues the oil and toxic dispersants used pose, and threat to all the existing life (animal, insects, human) there. There is also a salt dome I believe 45 miles by 3 miles deep around the area where they drilled. The earth is already undergoing wear and tear through the thousands and millions of years, but people are adding the burden onto earth.

Is project depopulation already on the way?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Last card - NWO - Alien Wars

I cannot believe that the New World Order people are going to use wars with aliens to intimidate the world. How can anybody believe that wars with aliens are going to bring the world together as one? Fear can never bring people together, temporarily yes, but definitely not permanently. What is needed to bring people together is love and concern, if not for one another, at least for the planet we live in. 

How about opening up Area 51  and HAARP facilities for tourist to see ?

If aliens from other planets come to earth, they must be thousands of years more advanced than us and if they are so highly intelligent, the first thing is they will do is to neutralise the bad guys first. Otherwise, I have to conclude that they are not that intelligent.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Concerned Citizens all over the world

If you care about what earthquakes, flooding, tornados can do to our planet, all governments throughout the world - assign all your scientists, physicists and expertise to do research on HAARP - where they are located, what type of capabilities they have - assign personnel not just to do inspection on these HAARP sites but to station personnel to monitor what is going on. Time is running short. More and more people are getting aware of what is happening.

Time to round up the criminals before millions of people die due to all these "natural" or man made disasters. These people are worst than terrorists who bomb train stations, markets and hotels.

If we want to prevent millions of people from ending up in plastic bags, do something now!!

Peter Hans Kolvenbach - 21 May 2011

It seems there is going to be a planetary alignment of Earth, Mercury, Venus and Mars on 21 May 2011. Some people are already forecasting that apocalypse is going to happen on 21 May 2011. Is this event connected with Peter Hans Kolvenbach - the Black Pope?

Are they using alignments of planets or with Elenin, Planet X, Nibiru as an excuse to create massive havoc on planet earth? I believe there are more good guys out there than bad guys.

2012 - lies, fact, or reality

Is Elenin, planet X or Nibiru going to pass by earth in 2012?

Is our planetary system heading towards the galactic centre such that it will cause a 40 degrees pole shift?

Does alignment with Elenin, planet X, Nibiru cause earthquake and drastic weather changes?

Or is HAARP being used to create earth quakes, floods and tornadoes?

You have to do your own research and come to your own conclusion.

HAARP-don't know, don't believe, don't care

Many people don't know that there is such a thing called HAARP. Science has taken leaps and bounds but many are still ignorant of all the new inventions which have existed or are being discovered. Some who may have heard talk of HAARP don't believe that some countries can have such an advanced equipment. Some are too busy dashing here and there trying to earn a few bucks to survive, they have no time to care about such things. Many will not believe that some men can be so evil to do harm to the rest of mankind. Will they really use a weather machine to cause weather havoc on earth? It can't be. They cannot be so wicked and evil.

It can't be. They cannot be so wicked to intentionally release virus into the population.

It can't be. They cannot be so wicked to be using HAARP to cause floodings, tornados or earthquakes.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Leonard Golightly Marshall

All hate, anger and other negative emotions will have to be removed first from this planet before this planet can turn into a land of natural beauty.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A tribute to Victor Shauberger

After reading the life and works of Victor Shauberger, I would like to pay a tribute to this extraordinary man for his works and the sacrifices he had made. The BRIC countries and Africa will greatly benefit from his works. 

What's up at Area 51?
I think those UFOs spotted so frequently around Area 51 are probably machines that used the technology of Victor Shauberger. 

Rumours about New World Order

I don't think the New World Order will come about any time soon. They will have to get their house in order before that can happen. If they have the master/slave mentality, it will never happen.

What I find so puzzling?

If say, country Rose produces a particular item at X dollars and country Rose imports goods at Y dollars. Assuming X = 30 times Y. I assume the importer in country Rose is a Rose citizen. Country Rose can tax Rose importer 30 times Y. But why didn't Country Rose do that. That is what I find so puzzling.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The extraordinary man Victor Shauberger

Victor Shauberger was the man who could have brought the perpetual motion machine that will solve earth's energy needs. But, someone bought over his works and made sure it never got off the ground. If you are a scientist and on the verge of discovering the perpetual motion machine, first of all do not let anyone know your identity. Carry out your work in secret. Then pass all the documents  to as many people as possible and ask if these people to pass on to as many people as possible. A great scientist can be viewed by some organisations as a danger to their enterprise. Countries will try to grab hold of you. I believe it is almost impossible to make money from the  perpetual motion machine because it is a "protected" technology. Money will come from inventions using the perpetual motion machine instead. Do not try to patent your work, cause it will be stolen. 

Since the works of Victor Shauberger has come to light, why don't the Federal Reserve buy over all the rights to his works and release it to the world. Maybe some philantropist billionaire will try to find his work and have it released to the public. If not, we will have to wait for the good Secret Societies to bring it out to the world. This is like finding the holy grail of energy.

A whole new world awaits us or we are doomed and controlled by men who want to deplete earth's resources and blame it on too many people on the planet. As I said, if money is what these men want, the Federal Reserve will be able to handle it.

Weird holes in the ground

Check out the weird enormous holes in the ground all over the planet. 

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Governments, Good Secret Societies

Government and good secret societies can benefit tremendously from John Searl and other scientists new age technology. As I mentioned before, charging for use of energy need not be based on a meter!! There are also a lot of crooks out there who will want to cause distrust. The best is not to put up all the money up front. Pay for the parts and a reasonable salary for bringing the research on the technology. When successful, then pay the rest. Progressive payment is the best way. Crooks are those who want you to pay all upfront.

Death of our Planet

Our planet is slowing dying now and more upheavals are expected to come. Is there an unnatural human interference to cause great catastrophe to our earth?? What about HAARP? We, the public would like other world leaders to comment on HAARP. This piece of HAARP equipment is sitting somewhere in Alaska or Antartic.


Our children are crying, hear what they say.
Don't take our tomorrow and throw it away.

Our planet is dying because you don't care.
With your misguided science you're polluting our air.

You cut too much forest for monetary gain.
The ground is so thirsty, no trees, mean no rain.

You've poisoned our oceans with filthy refuse.
Our fish, many are dying through senseless abuse.

Is this the inheritance you old ones will leave?
You are stealing our birthright, and for this we grieve.

We'll have no tomorrow unless you take heed.
And cease the destruction you cause by your greed.

So list' to our crying, and hear what we say.
Give back our tomorrow, take heed today.

Stop your pollution before it's too late.
Or we'll all have no future, but share the same fate.

Many dolphins have been found dead with burns on their bodies being washed ashore. Hundreds of thousands of birds have dropped dead from the sky. Has some secret machine been used to cause the death of these birds? Strange animal deaths have also been reported. Maybe the good secret societies can shed some light on this.

Our Cherised Planet

We choose to go the way of Professor John Searl new age technology. Based on this we have a wonderful, exciting road ahead. Many new inventions which will not cause pollution will create a new paradise earth. We do not choose to go down the path of wars, destruction, suffering and all the 7 7 7 so called prophecies. We do not choose to go down the path of the mark of the beast. An international law need to be introduced to disallow any monopoly of seeds, GMO or otherwise. All seed producers have the right to sue the GMO companies for tainting their seeds and turning them into GMO seeds.

Professor John Roy Robert Searl- genius, visionary

Professor John Searl, born in May 1932 was a remarkable scientist and inventor. He had been described as an inspiring genius and visionary. His incredible contribution to advanced energy technology will revolutionise all forms of travel and solving the earth's energy needs. His SEG (Searl Effect Generator), Lavity disc and IGV (Inverse Gravity Vehicle) require no fuel. It creates no pollution and will result in an abundant growth of nature, faster, more efficient space travel and provide clean sustainable energy. But, how has this technology been suppressed from the public for so long. Some say it is because you cannot connect a meter to this thing. It is so ridiculous. Now we pay a monthly charge for unlimited use of the internet. There are many ways to charge other than to attach a meter!! Seems like they have only one track mind, how to make money and more money without caring for the consequences.

Based on John Searl calculations, the IVG can reach the moon in one hour and mars in 2 months time.

The public wants an investigation into the individuals who have committed murders (alleged) and suppressed this technology for so many years and brought to justice.

Bury the damaged chernoby nuclear reactor

I was wondering whether they have considered the possibility of burying the damaged chernobly reactor. Bringing radioactive materials to the surface of the earth is like raising a deadly monster that kills all life. Leaving these radioactive isotopes on the surface is just as deadly. The nuclear experts can advise whether one can tunnel below the damaged chernobyl reactor and let it drop down and fill it up with cement or sand or any suitable material. If not, think of other ways to bury the damaged reactor. Uranium-235 has a half-life of 700 million years. Assuming one generation is 100 years, uranium 235 has a half life of 7 million generations. This deadly monster has a half life of 7 million generations.