Tuesday, November 29, 2011

More Story Time

Do not forget that when www3 breaks out, there are only a handful of


around on this planet. But sure, let all the sheeple and cattlemen forget and let's just fight and kill each other.

Other good story lines : Betrayal, Traitors, Enemy Within

Many heads going to be hanging at the Market Place.

Cartoon Time


6th June 6pm 2012

Flying saucers flying everywhere

Oops!! shoot, shoot, shoot

People running everywhere

No place to hide

Roast chickens!!!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Non GMO farms to file suit against GMO food

Non GMO farms to file suit against GMO food. It is becoming clearer that GMO food is not good for health and may lead to infertility.

What is freedom to you?

What is freedom to you? To some freedom means the freedom to take drugs, have pornography every where, having chaos.

Many empires and societies have fallen due to letting evil into their midst. What is evil? Evil is doing harm to self, others. What is good? Good is not doing harm to self and others. This is not about religion.

Why followers of Lucifer have to hide in secrecy? It is because it will not be accepted by the majority. Some will follow Lucifer because they think he will bring fame and fortune. But when Lucifer takes hold of you, you want to get out of it, because man is made to do good. Good will always triumph in the end.

Why Randy Travis should be as famous

Here's why I think Randy Travis should be as famous as Elvis, the Beatles etc. He just has to stand and sing and you will still want to listen to him. He has a voice from "Heaven". Listen to Randy Travis and see if you agree.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Science Fiction and Fantasy

Using one nation to take down another nation. The world is watching what's going to happen to America and Europe. Whatever happens to America and Europe will happen to the rest of the world and worse. They are blond and blue eyes, we are not. Don't deceive yourselves. I hope the Bushes, Clintons and the others can continue to laugh when the truth becomes reality. They think they are luminated but only ill - luminated. FEMA camps in the USA. Why don't they start tours for the general public to these FEMA camps, so they can see for themselves before it's too late.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Building bonds of friendship

Build bonds of friendship across all race, cultures, language and religion, if not, then hate and kill one another and help them achieve their agenda - depopulation. They think there are too many people on this planet. Women, children, men will then suffer from all kinds of atrocities, uranium tip weapons (radiation), get maimed, buildings get destroyed, diseases, refugees have no where to go. They are very good at setting up bogus enemies except themselves. It is true that in all societies there will always be a few who want chaos and atrocities and evil. Do it and blame it on someone else. Seems like a never ending Age of deception again.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Listen to Randy Travis

Listen to Randy Travis (country song) - love you forever and ever, it may set your heart at ease and remove all the negativities. Humanity is now at the crossroads, only the Generals and Commanders all over the world can decide on the future of humanity or will they just blindly follow orders and see the carnage that will come through wars and regret only when it is all done and too late. Just as there are Gods of Wars, there are also Gods of Peace and Hope.



R & R & R & V & G

R C J others

There are only a few trillionaires on this planet. They are trying very hard to launch WW3. How do you recognise the new "Hitler" in this 21st century. The Generals and Commanders will have to answer this question. In the early stage, it is not so obvious to say who is the new "Hitler" Will the Generals and Commanders just obey orders? People are waking up to their plot but many will still participate knowingly or unknowingly in their scams and frauds.

The new Gold and Silver scam - if you participate in trading in these gold and silver ...the man on the street will not know whether they are buying real gold and silver or gold and silver plated items. We are living in the Age of deception. With so many countries going bankrupt, don't you think it will be wiser to build underground storage facilities and store your valuables in these underground facilities then keep them in the bank. More people are losing money than making money on the stock market and other financial derivatives etc. So keep joining in these scams and frauds to give away your hard earned money.

Americans are very confident because they have weapons but what makes you think they are going house to house to remove those weapons. What if they plan biological, chemical or nuclear warfare? Hope it will not be too late when you wake up. The enemy is not China or Russia or ???? Why are they not renewing the old cities?? Know the answer to this and it may save your lives.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

What should you do if you are a terrorist

If you are a terrorist, go and find other terrorists and you know what to do with them.

If someone tells you to do jihad, find out where your leaders are getting their funding.

If not, things will just continue. So wake up and find the truth.

Why the Financial Markets will continue as the biggest Gambling dens

Here's why the financial markets will continue to be the biggest gambling dens. This is because there are people willing to participate in them. If people stop participating in these deceptive financial products, then it will stop, otherwise it will just continue. So people are responsible for what's happening.

What is the stock market? More and more "intelligent" men are going into the financial sector wrecking their brains how to take money away from you. But some will say, do your homework and know what stocks to buy, there are some "brilliant" men wearing ties who say yes, they are very good in stock picking. Well, here's the truth, many companies are now not just involved in running their daily business, but are also gambling in these dubious financial products, so you are indirectly participating in these gambling activities. We are living in the age of deception. As long as people continue to participate in these activities, they will continue. Continue to sleep and these activities will continue.

Dreams will become reality?? Here's the truth, some people's dreams are your nightmare. If their dreams, which are your nightmare becomes reality, people will have to live in hell. Earth can be heaven or hell, but it is becoming more and more like hell. People are just ready to go out and demonstrate and protest. Have they asked themselves how to turn things around without just depending on others. They are killing one another.... they are helping to depopulate the earth.

Cold, Hard Facts

Here are some cold, hard facts.

As long as there are people out there willing to pay for cigarettes, there will be people out there producing and selling to them.

As long as there are people out there willing to pay for drugs, there will be people out there producing and selling to them.

As long as there are people out there willing to gamble, there will be people out there operating casinos.

As long as there are people out there willing to kill one another, there will be people out there willing to sell their weapons.

And so the story goes.

But now, some companies are even giving out free cigarettes to young children to get them hooked on cigarettes so the neighbourhood and adults have to be alert and catch these people or your future generation will be ruined. Be asleep and all these activities will continue.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Death and destruction will come out of the protests

If you can't even talk to your representatives what is the point of protesting? The Rulers are Gods of Wars. They see themselves as Gods who decide who lives and who dies. They are waiting for millions to pour onto the streets, then they will in a blink of an eye send in saboteurs who will destroy buildings and kill some policemen, then the country will declare emergency rule. This is what protesting will lead to. Even the military will be forced to take action. May God Bless Mankind.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Nuclear energy is not clean energy

They are trying very hard to mislead the public that nuclear energy is a clean energy. It is not. It produces radioactive wastes and they don't know how to deal with it.

Nuclear energy - most expensive option

Nuclear energy is the most expensive option. It may take you back to not just stone age days but worse than stone age days. It can take you to No Man's Land.

Hold dialogue sessions with your representatives

Hold dialogue sessions with your representatives to find out what's happening. Has organised crime taken over. Beware of betrayal. They kill, bribe, assasinate etc. to achieve their goals. They will use your own greed to trap you so that they can use you to take advantage or take out your so called enemy and then it's your turn. They want you to kill each other and use up all your resources fighting one another so that you will be weak, then they will move in and take you out.

Greedy people's money will be taken away from them first

Greedy people's money or inexperienced, unwary investors' money will be taken away from them first by fraud, scam etc.

Some individuals have come to Singapore to sell 5 USA properties for US$200,000 and promise 20% return. I hope the Monetary Authority of Singapore look into this before more people end up at Speakers Corner to get back their money. Stop all dubious investments companies from operating in Singapore.

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Mini ice age - food shortages

Some people are predicting a mini ice age coming upon us and this will result in food shortages. You do not need to expect Siberian type of temperature to bring about a mini ice age. All that is needed is just more snow storms and this is already happening in the North.

To make matters even more dire will be a war with ......

Please watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkCvB0JWcug&feature=related

More duck and chicken farms

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Unnamed Flying Objects

UFOs have always been associated with extra terrestrial flying objects manned by some extra terrestrials. But I will call these UFOs (unnamed flying objects) because they have not been officially introduced to the public.

Many former US Presidents had made references to the Military Industrial Complex, a top top secret Complex. No one knows what's going on inside there. They have cautioned the public to keep an eye on going on in the Military Industrial Complex. Well, since this is the only complex that is so top top secret, doesn't it make sense that these UFOs are being manufactured inside there.

We will have to wait for them to declassify the Military Industrial Complex for public knowledge and then we will also have anti-gravity devices. Buildings can go up to 300 storeys with these anti-gravity devices built into them. Cool, isn't it, but then we will need to have cool leaders to lead the people to have these anti- gravity technology unclassified. Even the earth is expanding, even nature is taking care of the population, more lands will be coming up. So why are they so worried about the population figure.

Which way will they go?
1) Have armies go into cities, kill the population and destroy all the infrastructure


2) Introduce all these new technology to the public and make a transformation.

Every time I mention about planting more trees, very coincidentally there will be a huge forest fire somewhere.

They want you to go out into the streets to protest rather than have you planting fruit trees and growing vegetables. They want to take you down.. you still don't get it??? New World or New World Order of NATO (for now). They are representing us, so they say, and they have the international community supporting them, do they????

4 billion pound of flesh

You thought Hitler was the worst that mankind had experience. What is coming is exponentially worst. They are coming for 4 billion pound of flesh.

All the penitence that they are asking you to make preparations, the evolving of our DNA as though you are going to somewhere wonderful, the dimensional change that mankind will be experiencing is subtly telling you to surrender your pound of flesh. This is going to happen unless they are stopped.

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

11 11 11

If you are living in Japan or America please watch this :


Frequent earthquakes have been recorded in some areas.

Mega earthquake, tsunami may occur on 11 11 11. For safety purposes, you may wish to shut down all nuclear plants. Better safe than sorry. Maybe declare holiday on 11 11 11. This date has been spotted in the movie (a warning to the public) and in a crop circle.

According to the Chinese, 11 11 is actually a lucky day. Many people get married on this date.

Gobble, Gobble, Gobble

The Gobbler is going

Gobble, gobble, gobble

if you are not careful, it will be gobbled up.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Flying saucers and anti gravity technology

How much do you think these flying saucers are worth?

How about the anti- gravity technology?

Listen to William Cooper and Lindsey Williams to know more......

Dialogue sessions with the trillionaires

Yes, trillionaires... have dialogue sessions with the trillionaires. Do you even know them? So far you have only heard about billionaires, but the trillionaires seldom appear in the news or in the newspaper. Don't you think they will be proud to let you know them, and thank them for the present state of affairs. They will be able to explain to you why such things are happening because we the citizens are too dense to understand their workings. They think they are saving the planet by achieving their agenda. Have them explain to the world cause all the common folks cannot understand the story behind the actions. Don't they go around to shake hands with the common folks in shopping malls or eateries? All those Singaporeans who are in the United States, please ask them to explain. They have free speech there you know and human rights too.