Friday, October 23, 2009

An education system that prepares the individual

Here is my recommendation :

Include in the the education system some modules to teach students how to grow vegetables and rear chickens, ducks etc.

If there are not enough jobs to go around, individuals will be able to provide for themselves.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Dig Dig Dig baby

Dig, dig, dig but not for oil but for wells and canals. This will ensure constant supply of water to drought countries. This is a challenge I would like to throw to the Elite who control the planet. Dig, dig, dig for wells and canals. Have water pipes throughout lands that need them. Make agriculture a flourishing business. Money to be poured into agricultural lands rather than into Wall Street. Make our planet, the paradise that it is meant to be. Not only will the masses benefit but the Elite themselves. They can look at themselves and their achievements rather than war, loss of limbs, sorrows, pain, hurt.

A Sustainable Planet

Agricultural based societies lead to a sustainable planet. Canals, wells can be dug in areas hit by drought. Solutions can be brought to drought regions. The technology is here. When solutions to these problems are carried out, you will know that we have the right people in  control, people who care for the masses and not just accumulation of wealth. We do not need to have wars. A sustainable planet with plants and animals is a vision that the people on this planet can achieve. The alternative that some individuals want on this planet, to destroy everything so that they can gain control.

Friday, October 09, 2009

Horrible graphic pictures of horrors of war

Horrible graphic pictures of horrors of war will decide the outcome of wars. Have these pictures posted on medias and you will know what the outcome of wars will be. Have all kinds of graphic images of what all these fighting has done to innocent women and children, and the people will want to stop all these cruel inhuman acts, acts of cruelty to humanity, war crimes, war injustice, torture. This just goes to show how a few men, with satanic tendencies decide the fate of men. Show how soldiers return with terrible, terrible wounds and loss of limbs, legs, hand, face blown off and you know that there is only one decision on war. That is to end it. There is a smart way to end war. Listen to Benjamin Fulford.

But  the greed of men is to be blamed too, leading foot soldiers to fight foot soldiers. If they just get to talk to one another they will get to be wiser. 

Friday, September 25, 2009

Conflict Investiment

There will be some who will continue to instigate wars using whatever reasons or excuse they can come up with. Neverending small wars all over the world will be benefiting those where money is flowing into their pockets. But evidence is coming that these people who have instigated wars for their benefits will be brought to justice. 

For the majority of citizens around the world, focus on building rather than destruction. Focus on constructing the paradise on this planet that we know can come about. There will be those who will call for sanctions against countries to prevent them from progressing. They may even be getting the terrorist to do their job for them. So, if you are a terrorist, you will be very angry (even kicking in your graves)  to know that your activities are being used for your enemies' benefit. You thought you were creating havoc for your "Allah" but actually these few individuals are benefiting from your terrorist acts. They are actually saying, more, more terrorist acts, cause you are giving them excuses to do what they want. It gives them an excuse to bring in their armies into your countries. They may even have staged some of these acts and even more may be coming. These "Osama Bin Laden" tapes are  very worrying, for if there are any more devious act, they can just say, there "Osama Bin Laden" came out with the warnings, we told you he was devious. People are looking to see how successful Americans can bring these perpetrators to justice. So if you are a terrorist, give up all these terrorist act but rather go grow vegetables or rear animals for food. This is the best response to your enemies.

What about countries that already have nuclear weapons? Read "Confessions of an economic hit man" by John Perkins. The public is not as gullible as some would like to believe, where leaders who are doing good for their countries are "taken out" for not following the agenda set by some of these people.

Expect more threats and actions by some of these people in countries that already have nuclear weapons on countries who do not have them. I empasize here "some", these few, who will carry out their heinous agenda behind the scene.

I believe most Jews, Muslims etc as with all other races are peaceful. It is only a very few who want to carry out their agenda at whatever cost, even if it destroys the whole human race or our planet. We are at a very dangerous crossroad. Find the "few" and stop them from carrying out "armageddon".

Focus on the "few" who want to carry out "armageddon" and stop them. Time is running short.
In the mean time, let us all focus on how to grow our own food, for this is what is necessary to stop the world from being held hostage by these "few". 

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sustaining our Planet

In order for our planet to continue to exist, take care of the masses all around the world. Less unequality among the masses will profit the countries that practice this. Implementing policies that takes care of masses will ensure prosperity for these countries. 

Most of the richest men in the world attitude is who cares.

We are all interconnected. The richer these richest men get, the more unstable the world will become. 

Spending those $US reserves

Nations will realise that spending those $US dollar reserves by buying USA goods and services will bring about stability in the world. Free trade = multilateral trade not one way trade. You have to take care of your customers. If you want Americans to buy more of your goods, you need to buy their goods too. The other way is for Nations to distribute these $US dollar reserves to its citizen for travel to USA and spend their money there. 

Spend those $US reserves buying USA goods and services, it is common sense.

A USA dollar collapse is not going to help any nations with huge US$ reserves. 

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Join WTO - end of wars???

Can joining WTO end wars? 

Financial Derivatives - Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction

George Bush forgot to look at Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction - the Financial Derivatives.

$$$$$Financial Derivatives - Insurance Companies????

So how deep are insurance companies in financial derivatives??

The Greatest Financial Casino = Financial Derivatives

Friday, September 18, 2009

Lucifer's strategies

Lucifer's strategies appear to be create small but spectacular disaster and use this pretext  for full invasion or destruction. Suffer some pain but respond with greater pain for others. 

Any "Osama bin Laden's" misguided action on US will give US (some individuals in US) a solid reason to respond with devastating results on the "perpetrator". Only when you see the response that you will understand the purpose.

This is likely to happen as it has already been mentioned that "Osama" will do something even more devious than 911. Biden had also mentioned that Obama will be tested during his Presidency. So how does Biden know??? War expenses cannot continue indefinitely. Either US pull out of the wars or this "Osama bin Laden" heinous action will take place.

People are wondering how Osama's tapes can appear on main media, but no one seems to be able to locate him?????

Let us pray that good will prevail over evil.

Are Singaporeans getting enough sunshine

Huh! Singapore is in the equatorial belt with lots of sunshine all year round. But, Singapore workers leave for work around 8 am and reach home around 8 pm and so they have not much chance to get sunshine except during the weekend. Singapore workers have little time for exercise and entertainment during the weekdays. With emphasis on increasing productivity,  this means workers have to put in more effort, which means more stress. Is there any study on whether the health of Singapore workers are deteriorating due to the long hours of work? Is work productivity affecting health of workers?

During the World Economic Forum 2009, it was mentioned that Asians save too much while Americans spend too much and that there has to be a balance. This mentality is not going to be easy to change unless governments play a role in encouraging more spending. Here spending, I do not mean reckless spending. For example, take time to go to the movies, go for holidays.There need to be time for relaxation and enjoyment or else the human spirit can just wane away.  Spend some money to buy strawberries or grapes, if you can afford it. It is true, if citizen save too much, then investments banks have to think of ways to invest this money and they can easily lose this hard earned money. There is first of all a fear in loss of jobs in Asian countries. Many had experienced poverty and hardship in previous generations and are afraid of losing their 'rice bowl'.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Monthly Public disclosure of financial derivatives

Require banks, companies, institutions, organisations etc to disclose on a monthly basis their activities on financial derivatives. 

Saturday, September 12, 2009

6 billion people only 1 Zbigniew Brzezinski

There are 6 billion of us and only 1 Zbigniew Brzezinski. 

6 billion brains vs 1 Zbigniew Brzezinski brain.

Set up agricultural institutes in your country

If you are rich and have money, set up agricultural institutes in your country. 

Teach everyone to grow vegetables and rear chickens for food. 

Apartments can have rooms with sewage connections, so people living in apartments can grow vegetables and rear chickens for food. Violence is the weapon of D evil. If you take to violence, then D evil has succeeded. 

Spread the Truth Information

It is better to share Truth information than to carry weapons and fight another. Don't be the ants that fight one another. Sit down and chat and have tea or coffee together and discuss how Zbigniew Brzezinski is affecting your lives and your families, if his agenda has not already affected you, it is going to affect you, wherever you are in the world through WWW3.

Zbigniew Brzezinski

Get to know who is Zbigniew Brzezinski and his agenda. It is your duty to know who Zbigniew Brzesinski is. Read Obama - The postmodern Coup by Webster Tarpley.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Prayers for peace, good to win over evil

Whatever your religion or race, say prayers for peace, that good will win over evil. Let us all join together in whatever country you are in, whatever community you are in, in prayers for peace, that good will win over evil. Let us all stay strong that money will not corrupt. Greed has blinded many that will lead to the implosion of financial derivatives. 

We pray for peace and that good will win over evil.

We pray for peace and that good will win over evil..

We pray for peace and that good will win over evil.

Share cooking recipes with friends all over the world. Spread joy and happiness. Appreciate all the wonderful nature around us.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

What is the position of derivatives?

Publish data on companies' position on derivatives, the total amount and percentage. You hear daily news of how the economy is "recovering". Only those who are not aware are being let up the path of ultimate destruction.

How much should financial executives be paid?

How much should financial executives in banks be paid? Firstly, they are not using their own money to invest. They have no personal risk. CEOs are not stupid, they are the people running the companies, they know how well the company is doing and in what directions the companies are going. They are not going to sweat for the company and let investors enjoy the fruit of their labour. That is why, the stock market is no longer performing on fundamentals. 

If financial executives are paid only $2000 a month, more people will go into the productive side of the economy. 

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Go Enjoy Yourself

If you are filty rich, just go and enjoy yourself. Do what you like. Let the world go about peacefully with new inventions and a new wonderful world, a new paradise. Be an Enabler rather than a Disabler.

New Galactic Currency

I personally believe a new Galactic Currency is more important than some new world currency. Planet earth is limited while the galaxy is unlimited. In order for us to explore the galaxy, we have to be not limited by earth monetary system. There will have to be some exchange between earth monetary system and galactic currency. For example, 1 earth dollar = 10 000 galactic currency. This will enable people to travel on space ships. With this galactic currency, space stations etc. will come about faster.

New Galactic Currency

I personally believe a new Galactic Currency is more important than some new world currency. Planet earth is limited while the galaxy is unlimited. In order for us to explore the galaxy, we have to be not limited by earth monetary system. There will have to be some exchange between earth monetary system and galactic currency. For example, 1 earth dollar = 10 000 galactic currency. This will enable people to travel on space ships. With this galactic currency, space stations etc. will come about faster.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Removal of nuclear weapons on earth

There are individuals who are afraid that countries have secret areas where they can keep nuclear weapons. Inspection teams can publish their findings and inspections and release these to the public. If any individual thinks that there are secret areas where these nuclear weapons can be kept or manufactured, the inspection teams can inspect these areas as when they come up.

It is not in mankind interest to have such weapon on earth.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Rules on monopoly

There are rules on monopoly of industries, commodities, but there is no rule on monopoly of money. This monopoly of money as monopoly of industries, commodities cause dire problems.

Even more things can be done with the new money

With this new money, there has to be a cap on maximum pay, bonus, remuneration etc. This is to prevent individuals from monopolising the new money. 

What new money can do

Industries can be subsidised to treat their waste so that they do not pollute the earth. This will eliminate lead poisoning etc. 

Subsidise health care so more can enjoy better health care and lead better lives.

Do not let sociopaths proceed with their diabolical plans. Act now.

More that can be done with new money

This article is an extension of my previous article on my suggestion to prevent world depression. With new money, governments can subsidise farming, subsidise growing of grass for cows to eat, subsidize food for animals to eat so that we can have better, healthier food. Goverments can subsidise pharmaceutical industries. We can clean up the oceans and produce more food.

Governments can subsidize space travel, just use your imagination to create a wonderful world on our planet.

I hope all radio stations can challenge one another to come up more ideas on how we can make this world a better place.

Change our perceptions. Do not let Evil and sociopaths ruin our planet.

My suggestion for overcoming world depression

So far, I have not heard of solutions for overcoming world depression. People are forecasting collapse of the US dollar, bioterrorism, castastrophe etc.

There are many people out there who are disgusted with Fed for bailing out Wall Street. Here's what I would like to propose to prevent world depression. Let printing money machines all over the world print out more money. I mean all over the world, not just in USA, I believe this will balance the money printed out by USA and provide balance in currencies. So how much should salaries increase each year? If you look at property prices, stock prices that swing wildly up and down so how to bring about stabilization. There has to be some watch over how much property and stock prices rise within a 6 month period, let's say. You wouldn't let salaries swing so wildly, so how can property and stock prices be allowed to swing so wildly.

Governments can subsidise industries with this new money and so more jobs can be created. In this way, all countries can benefit by having more paper money. Governments can subsidize travel, green industries etc. There are so many industries Government can subsidize and cause new industries to be created. Forest management, natural disasters etc all can be easily tackled and all these can create new jobs.

There is no need for revolutions, bioterrorism, etc. We can live in a beautiful world. There are many new industries that are on the verge of coming out. We can decide to live in a beautiful world and not let sociopaths go along with their devastating agendas.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Crimes against Humanity

Those who commit crimes against humanity will not be able to escape punishment.  Those who think that because they have powerful connections they can commit crimes against humanity and escape punishment, it will not be so. If your own conscience don't kill you, time will. There will be a time when all the powerful connections are no longer there, and the people who commit crimes against humanity grow sick, old and frail. 

How about the argument about distributing the spoils of wars? If you live to collect it. Time is never on your side, everybody will die one day. How about the argument, do it for future generations? Things change. People change.

No Wars, No wars, No wars

Who's going to take action against you for talking "No wars".

What actions are they going take against you for talking "No wars".

How are they going to gag you up not to talk "No wars".


Who's going to take you down for talking peace?

Who's going to prevent you from talking peace?

What actions are they going to take to prevent you from talking peace?

Controlled demolition

Controlled demolition

controlled demolition

controlled demolition

Don't just let blackmailers, assasinators, kidnappers

write letters. If you have a burning issue write. 

Write, write ,write .....the pen is mightier than the sword.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Secret societies for good

We have often heard of secret societies involved in drugs, smuggling, assasination etc. but secret societies working for the good of human kind may be coming up.

My little note ..but a big thank you

Here's my little note but a 

big thank you 

to all leaders who have shaped policies for the betterment of human kind. 

Monday, August 17, 2009

Good Leadership vs Evil Leadership

Good leadership provides policies that help humanity.
Evil leadership provides policies that are detrimental to humanity.
A new awareness is spreading regarding the The Evil Hands that guide policies indirectly and behind the scenes. How do you know that Evil Hands are at work? People who are profiteering from War. Clean Free Energy vs people who want an oil base polluted economy ... Policies targeted against women .... Bankers paying themselves huge sums of money when they brought about world financial change here.

Keep writing little notes to people you believe in, to support them and remind them of their promises and those you don't believe in, to remind them of their responsibilites to mankind.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Water pipes going to be more valuable than oil pipes

With drought becoming more and more prominent, water pipes that can bring water from flooded areas to drought areas are going to be more valuable than oil pipes. If drought brings about agricultural catastrophe, oil is not going to be of much value, if people have no food to eat.

An Awakening.

Coastal Flooding

Coastal flooding is causing huge loss in lives and property. Time for engineers and scientists to act to prevent coastal flooding all over the world. 

Write little notes to your bankers

Non-professional staff
Bankers vs Technicians

Compare the services provided by Bankers vs services provided by non-professional staff. Next, compare the pay received by Bankers vs pay received by non-professional staff.

It becomes very clear isn't it. 

Write little notes to your Bankers to remind them of their social responsibility.

Lessons from World Financial Collapse

One of the lessons to be learnt from the World Financial Collapse is that each country needs some manufacturing industries in their own countries. Citizens need jobs to feed themselves. Jobs (Industries) are needed to create an economy. The bailout for the financial system alone is not enough to grow the economy.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Let Justice spread like wild fires.

Little fires of justice are starting. Let these little fires of justice spread like wild fires in the Justice System.

Water pipes

Drought areas, Flooded areas. If water can be brought from flooded areas to drought areas. If water from flooded areas can be brought to agricultural land affected by drought, this will help to keep agricultural land from going to waste. All these are possible with current technology.

Power of soldiers

When soldiers realise the power they hold and not just be blind followers the world will change monumentally. During the time of Hitler, if soldiers realized who the real enemy was, many lives including their own could have been saved. Soldiers are sons of their Homeland and it is their duty to protect the rights of the citizens of the country. 

Friday, August 07, 2009

How to avoid possible bloody revolutions

One way to avoid possible bloody revolutions is for individuals, groups to collect signatures on issues and sue the appropriate authorities, corporations, groups or individuals to remedy their grievances. The state will pay for all the legal fees in such cases so that individuals and small groups can take large corporations to court. This will provide a legal path for individuals and small groups to address their grievances and avoid bloody confrontations. This will also put power back to the people and not in the hands of unscrupulous corporations who are out just to make profits and not care about the environment or ordinary folks. Ordinary folks will have a legal way out to address their grievances.

This will put the public Media and high profile individuals who mislead/misled the public about the true health of the financial system liable to be sued.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Converting grass patches into cabbage patches

Gloom and doom is coming back again. I hope community centres will conduct courses for people on how to grow vegetables, rear chickens, ducks etc and grow fruit trees. Time to start converting grass patches into cabbage patches and grow fruit trees.

Cabbage patches are probably not a very good idea. Maybe sweet potatoes.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

As popular as Elvis Presley

Even though Aidan Davis did not win the Britain Got Talent 2009, I think he is going to be as famous as Elvis Presley, maybe even more.

He is an inspiration for the young as well as the old.

I predict he will be appearing on every billboard very, very soon.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Greatest Fear

is that the brain behind 911 is not the man sitting in some caves in Afghanistan. It means that he is on the loose amongst one of you and he is a mad Devil seeking to cause catastrophe to achieve his goals. God help us all.

Here's my reply to Benjamin Fulford

There is no point in sending out threats especially to the most powerful people on this planet. If there is going to be any change, it has to come from the inside, that is, some of the people who are in the group do not agree on the way the things have taken shape and take steps to change it. When blind ambition has blinded some of the members, those who can still see a better way of doing things and decide on a better path will lie the future of this planet. Otherwise, when a critical mass of the world is reached and understands and know that there are better ways of running this planet will we see change for a happier, healthier world. 

Those who have a responsibility in the torture of prisoners show their true colors. They are inhumane and should be recognised as such. The "brain" behind 911 is still on the loose. Those loved ones who were killed in the 911, if they follow the events of post 911 should be able to tell the truth from falsehood. 

Soldiers on duty in Iraq and Afghanistan want to go home. They know what is happening. Some of them, I think rather kill themselves than participate in what they know is not right (this is just my feeling). Let Obama bring them home as he had promised in the campaign trail. 

If you follow the events of Thailand, how the political party voted in by the people were ousted on the charge of corruption......makes you wonder.

Former South Korean President, a people President committed suicide ... hmmm another thing to ponder on.

Time will tell whether Obama can do what he promised during his campaign

I believe USA President Obama will try to do what he promised and more during his term in his office. But alot of obstacles seem to be in his way. He and his wife Michelle are honest folks who have succeeded from the bottom up. Let's see how he is going to manoevre his way around all the obstacles, but with his strong support from the voters, I believe he will be able to achieve what he knows needs to be done. 

Britain Got Talent 2009

Gregg Pritchard....
Hmm.. he was a real suprise in his first audition in Britain Got Talent 2009. He seems to perform better when he concentrates with  his eyes closed.

I think his cape distracted him in his semi-finals. 

Sad not to see him in the Finals though.

Sue Son is another very talented lady. If she had smiled more may be she could have got more votes. It is disappointing not to be able to see her in the Finals though.

Super, super, super talented Aidan Davis

Britain Got Talent 2009.......Watch the super, super, super talented Aidan Davis, 11 yr old dancer.

He is just electrifying

In my opinion, he's a better dancer than Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake!!!    WOW

I think he's gonna win the Britain Got Talent 2009 contest.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Who is the new "Hitler"?

The new "Hitler" is not going to announce that he is "Hitler". Look at his methods, his cruelty,his inhumanity, his ambition and this will give you some clue who the new "Hitler" is. People tried to 44 times to assassinate the last Hitler.

Do you know who or what you are fighting for?

If you are a  terrorist, don't even bother to fight the soldiers, they are just wage earners. They are the pawn in a chess game. Know who and what you are fighting for. You both may be fighting for the same guy(s).......conspiracy theory. Whoever is behind the 911 bombing is the mad DEVIL, someone who wants power at all costs.

Looking at what has happened after the 911 incident, it should give you some idea who is behind the holocaust. Is it really the person who they say it is?.........another conspiracy theory.

More conspiracy theories ............some of the bombings may not have been done by the terrorists.

Another conspiracy theory ........these virus escaped from some lab......more may be on the way.

If you watched cataclysmo ..............if these people are not stopped, some mad Devil is going to bring disaster to this planet.

Hitler himself did not do all those terrible things by himself, he was helped by all his closest followers. Are we seeing a repeat of those times again? So who is the new "Hitler"?

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Unfounded fears of inflation

There is an unfounded fear of inflation if there is too much money in the system. This is the fear created to keep people poor. This is the 21st century, technology has advanced so tremendously, there are so many new things that can be done. Space exploration is now limited to only a few people, in time more and more people can be be involved in the space exploration industry. This is a very exciting arena. This is going to be an industry of unlimited possibilities. 

But it is true, one chicken used to cost $3/- now it is $6/-. This is 200% inflation, but the money going into citizens pocket has not increased by 200%/. We are having inflation, but the money citizens are getting are not compensating for inflation. This is  a double whammy. You have inflation, but the money supply to ordinary folks have not increased.

Walk around the world

With job losses, no money to travel, how about walking around the world. Good for health too. Good exercise walking around the world. Start a walk around the world movement. 

Money, Money Money

A more unlimited backing for money is actually money spent in the Universe. This is different from money spent on planet earth. Planet earth is limited. The Universe is unlimited. The way the world has been run has been limited by the money circulating on planet Earth where a few control the majority of the money. All the money spent on these financial products doesn't do much to promote the growth, prosperity on planet earth. 

Singapore has done much; with solar power, I look forward to having fans along covered walkways. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

More details on why I think money will be backed by land

Here are more details on why  I think money will be backed by land. Many experts are predicting steep rise in gold. If this happens it is not going to be good for the economy. It will be just speculation. If there is not enough bread to go around, gold is not going to fill your stomach. This will happen in a nuclear war. 

Land prices varies depending on what is on top of the land or below it. 
Agricultural land, Airport land, Residential land etc varies in prices. If land on one type of use is changed to another, the value of the land changes. However, it is not possible to try to convert land to only one type of use in order to increase the price of the land. This is because, society requires land for different purposes. Innovation, Technological changes etc will change the use of land and hence its price. Land use will evolve with time. Structures above the land as well as contents below the land can change with time. Land can be used more creatively and flexibly. Money is meant for easy trading, it is meant to go round and round in cycles. But with all the speculation and gambling in the financial sector, this is not going to help the economy. In fact, it is going to make the economy worse. Lots of money is being shifted from productive use to non productive use. But some of these people who benefit don't care, they just want to own as much money as possible and make as many people as possible to be as poor as can be.
World government, new world order will just make some people even richer and more people poorer.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Some are just born for wars - Beware

There are some people on this planet  who are just born for wars and know nothing else. They have absolutely no idea what other thing to do than to create wars. Beware of them. They are the ones who are going to be very persuasive, create all kinds of excuses, create fear and panic, arouse people to anger and when you are all fired up they are going to offer you the solution that war is neccessary to get rid of evil. You get it. War is good to get rid of evil. War itself is evil. Some of these people may have come from generations of generals and commanders. They stand out only in wars. There's going to be a lot of hype on TV to arouse people to support war. We know that a nuclear war will kill us all. No matter how reasonable or enticing the reason to go to war ...say never again. Wars only create destruction, poverty, sorrow and pain. Find leaders from all sides who want peace and prosperity. 

Beware of those who want to create wars. Remember a nuclear war will kill us all.

There are so many wonderful things to do in life. Look at Britain Got Talent. Some of them have such amazing gifts if only the education system had just asked them some questions, what do you like to do best, what talent do you think you have before putting them through an education system which does not recognise innate talent.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Law of Attraction

A paradigm shift. What would happen if every individual is given a monthly allowance of $500 for the rest of their lives? The possibilities are quite endless. Democracy is not about electing political parties, it is more to do with how much money citizens are getting. Are they given a say on this? 

I am putting out this message to the Universe according to law of attraction.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

What will happen to all the Defence personnel??

Best is to put them work as Scientific Innovators in all the various sectors of the economy. How about having restaurants on board these aircraft carriers?? This is one way of putting defence equipment for civilian use.

Rescueing damsel in distress

Damsel in distress need to have some Generals on her side. Even if power is handed to her, it can always be taken away, as is in her case, she was voted in, but where were her generals? Are generals supposed to protect the constitution in a country or support some individuals interest instead? There is something awaiting those Generals....... not good, not good thing

What Palestine can do?

The best thing for Palestine to do is to open up the country to tourists so people can go in and take a look. The same with IRAN, open up the country to tourists so people can go in an take a look for themselves and not just listen to BBC and CNN for news on these countries.

The silver tsunami

Community centres can organise weekend walks to botanic gardens, reservoirs, mt faber, etc. for senior citizens. Get the silver generation to go out on walks instead of staying at home all day so that they will not end up in wheel chairs. This will actually end up in savings with less senior citizens ending up in hospitals.

I am of the opinion that the silver generation are the ones who can bring about great changes to the world because of their experience and knowledge and not relegated as waiting for their time to be up.

I laugh when I read that Singaporean has no freedom of speech. Look at what Bush era has done much for freedom of speech in America. The man, John "splitting the sky" Boncore was arrested for trying to arrest Bush for war crimes.

Elimination of nuclear weapons

Citizens agenda for leaders

Eliminate nuclear weapons before some mad man cause a nuclear war. 

Divert more money from military spending to more inventions and scientific discoveries. Governments collect 7% gst, collaboration between private and government sectors in improving all sectors. Some have suggested that military spending actually brought about industrialisation and other benefits, but my argument is that all that money spent on military if diverted to other sectors will actually create more benefits and innovations.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

New Bold Steps to stop all the gloom and doom

Give everyone a $1 million dollars account but each can withdraw only $500 a month from that account. This amount can be reviewed from time to time. Those who want to spend more than $500 a month will have to work for it. Unlimited opportunities will arise. Many will come up with more ideas and creativity to make things happen. The world can be a marvellous world or a hellish one, it is up to mankind to decide. 

There have been some wrongs done, still waiting to see if actions taken to correct them. The financial system has still not changed!!!

Sunday, May 03, 2009


If you had watched one of Oprah Winfrey's episode, where she showed families consuming so much that their house become a warehouse. If you think, consumerism will bring back the economy, then there are many other consumers with no money but waiting to be consumers. One cannot expect the same wealthy people to keep consuming the same items.

Set up your own business, become an entrepreneur

If you are not happy working for a company, go set up a business.

If you are unhappy about things around you, go set up a business.

If you are not happy in your job, go set up a business.

If you are not happy with your boss, go set up a business.

If you are not happy about anything, forget about demonstrating, go set up a business.

When you eat, drink think setting up a business.

If you are watching TV, think setting up a business.

If you are listening to the radio, think setting up a business.

Whatever you are doing, think setting up a business.

Before you go to sleep, think setting up a business.

Before you wake up, think setting up a business.

With every step you take, think setting up a business.

With every word you read, think setting up a business.

Don't just complain, go set up a business.

Before you set up a business, make sure you have a smile on your face and ready to provide the best service.

Best of luck to all of you and great success in your business.

When you make enough money, you can decide what you want to do with it.

When you don't have money, it is just talk.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Salary restructure scenarios

Annual salary

Scenario 1

CEO 20 million
Middle Managers 18 million
Workers 16 million

Scenario 2

CEO 1 million
Middle Managers 800 000
Workers 600 000

Scenario 3

CEO 100 000
Middle Managers 80 000
Workers 60 000

Scenario 4

CEO 50 000
Middle Managers 48 000
Workers 46 000

You can have other scenarios.

Monday, April 06, 2009

Let companies fail, just bail out the workers

Yes, let companies fail, just bail out the workers. Give workers severance bonus pay until they get another job or for the rest of their lives depending on age and other factors. Why should executives be give such unrealistic bonus payout for the rest of their lives? Companies need to keep up with change.

If new jobs cannot be created, then give them each a mini farm.

Understanding Arguments

You now know the difference in wages. You are told that the people at the top need to be paid a lot so that they can create and maintain companies and give you a job. You are to be grateful and thankful for that job, without it you will starve. You have to be efficient so that the company can make money and survive. You have to work hard so that the company can make money and continue giving you that job. You must be grateful for the little salary they give you. You must be grateful ....for the little salary they pay you.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Just bail out the depositers

Let banks fail, just bail out the depositers.

Cheaper resorts along the beach front

Most resorts along the beach fronts are too expensive for the average wage earners.

How to prevent WWW 3?

This has to be an initiative either by Governments or by individuals.

Create mini farms for all those who do not have a job.

For countries with a small land mass, build multi-storey mini farms.

If governments do not want to do it, individuals have to take the initiative.

Teach people how to grow vegetables and rear chickens, ducks etc.

Don't wait until tomorrow, do it today.

The best thing that Barack Obama and all governments can do today, is to announce this initiative.

These mini farms cannot be traded.

Learning about salary mathematics

Here are some calculations to compare salaries :

10 000 000 / 50 000 = 200

The above example shows that if an individual earns 10 million a year compared to a worker who earns 50 000 a year, that individual who is earning 10 million a year is earning 200 times more than the worker who is earning 50 000 a year.

1 000 000 / 50 000 = 20

The above example shows that if an individual earns 1 million a year compared to a worker who earns 50 000 a year, that individual who is earning 1 million a year is earning 20 times more than the worker who is earning 50 000 a year.

250 000 / 50 000 = 5

The above example shows that if an individual earns 250 000 a year compared to a worker who earns 50 000 a year, that individual who is earning 250 000 a year is earning 5 times more than the worker who is earning 50 000 a year.

Why is it that companies that have been prosperous over the years have no capital left in their company?

This is because, some CEO s being "smart" as they are, are paying themselves the maximum they can until their company have no more capital left in their company. So what are they going to use as collateral when they borrow from the bank, only the companies' assets.

It is true that some companies which are expanding all the time will have no capital left in their company.

It is also true that companies that had huge capital reserves in the past had been raided for their capital reserves, so why would companies want to keep capital reserves in their company?

How do you differentiate crooks from genuine business failures?
Before a company is allowed to go into bankruptcy, a few things to examine :
salary remuneration to their top executives,
conflict of interest in the companies, etc.

so how to device regulations that show that because salary remuneration is excessive and not in the interest of the company that caused the company to go bankrupt.

It is always a case of integrity versus the crook... cases of police chasing after the criminal. What is criminal and what is not? Some are clear cut but many are not.

Capitalism and the poor worker ... more on this later

Monday, March 30, 2009

More money for projects mean more jobs

Yes, more money for projects mean more jobs. More money for projects means more chances of bringing on new inventions.

Why I believe more money is better than less?

There are many cynics out there who think that with 1 more trillion out there, paper money will be worth less. The truth of the matter is that the more money the better. Why? The purpose of money is what you can do with it. I do not mean just consuming. If Howard Hughes did not have the money to experiment on aircrafts, I believe that the world would today be not so advanced in the aircraft industry. It is how money is used that is important. So if money is used for research and development and conquer new frontiers, the country that can come up with the most inventions will be the winner. I, in fact believe that, even more money distributed to projects to be undertaken the better.

Money will be backed by land not gold.

But if you think that having a lot of money can buy you lots of land, this will not be the case. Land on earth will cost more and more. So this will eventually lead men to explore the sea, air and outer space.

There are so many new inventions on the verge of coming to fruition. The world will become more exciting and fun.

Eventually, all these weapon and military equipment will have to have dual purposes, not just for war but for peaceful uses as well.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sprinkler system in forest

With recent forest fires and the devastation they cause to lives and properties, sprinkler system in the forest will prevent such occurrences. What? where is the money going to come from? Now you get what I mean, the no money excuse.

Boom and bust in Real Estate

Homes are the largest expenditure item in any one's income. That is why boom and bust in real estate can cause catastrophic consequences. So how much should real estate prices be allowed to escalate.

If real estate prices are to go up by 1 percent per year, it will take 100 years for a piece of real estate to double in value.

If real estate prices are to go up by 5 percent per year, it will take 20 years for a piece of real estate to double in value.

If real estate prices are to go up by 10 percent per year, it will take 10 years for a piece of real estate to double in value.

If real estate prices are to go up by 20 percent per year, it will take 5 years for a piece of real estate to double in value.

When real estate prices go up too rapidly, people wants to speculate in the stock market rather than go to work.

Views expressed are solely my own

Some redistribution of wealth is neccessary

There are some who are opposed to redistribution of wealth. If the wealthiest in the countries oppose some redistribution of wealth, I can understand why. Redistribution of wealth can come in many ways, higher wages for the people, money going into research and development, money used for building bridges and homes etc. all the neccessary things, not just for profit. When natural disaster strike, money has to poured in to help the people and in doing so also help the economy as well, companies will have jobs and work to be done.

Money needs to go in a cycle .. the money cycle.

No redistribution of wealth is like water evaporating from the sea and no rain coming down.

High payouts for financial executives cannot continue without justification, where is the money coming from to pay them?

All views expressed are my personal views.

Friday, March 27, 2009

How is wealth is measured?

The wealth of a nation is measured by how the poorest of the poor live in the nation. The wealth of the world is measured by how the poorest of the poor live in the world.

With the financial crises, more people now want to understand the role of the Federal Reserve Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. They would like to know how the executives are elected to head these institutions. How their policies affect the lives of everyone. How much are these executives paid? The people have been hovering over the lives of the famous and the rich, but now people want to know about the lives of these people who are heading these financial institutions.

Some basic neccessities like clean water and sanitation, housing for the poor are still not addressed. When the poor have no money, their problems will never go away. By giving money to the poor, businesses can go about solving all these problems and the world will be richer. Enjoying trips on luxury liners are just dreams to the poor and will always remain so. How many percent of the world population watch all these golf tournaments?

All views expressed are soley my own.

How is wealth measured?

Tent Cities .. blogs from 2 years ago

It is mind boggling to know that tent cities have been up like 2 years ago. America is such an innovative country with technologies quite unmatched elsewhere in the world. If you watch these super giant machines and factories that are in America, you too will be scratching your head how this can happen. America is huge, I mean really huge. You should come to Singapore and then you will know what small is.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Barack Obama ..Hope

People in the tent cities are looking to Obama for hope. I am still trying to search the web to get information on what his administration is doing to help these people in tent cities.

Where are the solutions to Genocide, Tent Cities?

Credit Agencies

I have still not heard on what have been done to rectify these Credit Agencies. Credit Agencies that rubber stamp AAA on financial products.

What will happen if teachers mark all their students A?

Change to the Federal Reserve Board

These are my personal beliefs.

I personally think that it is better to have the Federal Reserve Board represented by people from all sectors eg. Engineers, architects, social workers, scientists, poets, writers, singers etc.

It is better to have announced several rescue plans to several sectors rather than just the financial sector. People are wondering why the Financial Sector is so special. What will happen if everyone moves into the financial sector? Why not? Excellent pay. Paid to fail.

What Financial Executives can do?

I have a suggestion here for Financial Executives who have received huge payouts over the past few years.. They can issue cheques and distribute these to all those people who have been very badly affected by the financial crises, like those living in the tent cities. At least let them have some temporary reprieve.

I saw in a Youtube video how the police beat up these normal citizens living in the tent cities to make them leave and hand cuffed these poor helpless citizens. ..As they say .....

It is a SHAME, a real SHAME and I share their sentiment.

Gambling in Financial Products and Derivatives 1

Countries have to decide for themselves whether they want to allow companies, institutions, etc. to gamble in financial products and derivatives. If they decide that they do not want companies and institutions, etc. to gamble in financial products and derivatives, then they have to put in place laws to disallow such activities. However, they may choose to let individuals using their own money to gamble in financial products and derivatives. This has to be decided immediately and put in place or face the consequences.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Imagination 1

This is a continuation of my article Imagination.

Imagine, you wake up one morning and everyone finds 10 million dollars in their bank account ... say a gift from Federal Reserve bank. What will happen??

I see a host of endless possibilities:

There will be plenty of money for research and development.

Diseases can be wiped out. People can afford to pay for medicine.

Clean water will be available to everyone, people can afford to pay for clean water.

Everyone can afford a roof over their head.

People will be going to work not because they need money but for the love of the job.. just imagine that!!!

Proper sanitation for everyone

People everywhere will be doing what they love.

Treatment will be available for shopping addicts.

People can go for facials, massage , new hair styles.

People can learn to play guitar or piano or any number of musical instruments they desire.

Poets can write poetry without having to worry about money.

Song writers, musicians, singers and all in the art industry will go out and do what they love, without having to worry about money.

Space travel and exploration will be booming. New inventions will be created.

People can go to college to get not just one degree but as many as they like.

People will be able to afford to pay for machines to do menial tasks.

Restaurant owners will be able to change and design their restaurants without having to worry about budgets.

New inventions will keep humming, because people can afford them.

Robotics will get a tremendous boost.

Crime rates will drop, people don't have to rob anymore.

Pollution can be tackled because now manufacturers do not have to worry about money.

Life will become paradise.

Best of all, all you billionaires out there, you can become trillionaires.

So why have all these not happened, because of lack of money. Only a few people get to have hundreds of million of dollars and the rest have little or no money.

We are now living in an age of inventions and industrialisation, we cannot afford to continue doing things the same old way.

What is

the value of 30m divided by 300 million.

Ans :0.1

So if 30 million dollars is distributed to 300 million people, each person is only going to get 10 cents. I guess each of these person is not going to miss getting the 10 cents will they? But, ouch!!! if only 1 person gets the 30 million dollars, it is going to be hell of a lot isn't it.

Do you guys out there get it!!!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Gambling in Financial Products and Derivatives

People using other people's money to gamble in financial products and derivatives and being paid huge sums of money for doing so is a sure formula for disaster. All these money is being channeled out of the productive system into these financial gambling activities will make the man in the street poorer.

The big gambling game has just started again and it is only a matter of time before it will collapse again.

Rewarding gambling habits in these financial products is just not even common sense, it is special interest groups in operation and more and more people are getting into these programs and trying to find programs to make money in gambling in these activities.

How do you differentiate the crook from the good guy?
A company comes along, borrows money from the bank or lists IPO or any other financial schemes and pays himself huge sums of money, then the company goes bust but he has already filled his pocket.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


100 million x 6 billion = 600 million billion = 600 000 000 billion = 600 000 trillion

10 million x 6 billion = 10 000 000 x 6 billion = 60 000 000 billion = 60 000 trillion

100 000 x 6 billion = 600 000 billion = 600 trillion

What's all these figures about?

If everyone is given 100 000, there will be 600 trillion

If everyone is given 10 million, there will be 60 000 trillion

If everyone is given 100 million, there will be 600 000 trillion

There will be no more squabbling over bonus payments. Just give it to everyone. Some are going to argue that then money is worthless, too much. Well, there is a lot of oil, and it is not worthless, is it? Put tax on items that cause earth pollution.

If you know how big earth is, take 600 000 trillion and divide by that, that will give you how much per sq. foot earth is worth.

E-mail me of any errors or if you have some feedback.

Just take care of earth

Monday, January 19, 2009

Let Singapore manage your economy

Do you want your economy to be better managed? This is a global world, you can get talent from any part of the world. By letting Singapore manage your economy, you avoid the pitfalls and painful experiences. You will get a fast track to a better economy.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Wheat grass - my experience

Like some green horn trying to improve my energy level, I have at times tried new things to eat. One of these is wheat grass. Here's my experience: After consuming wheat grass juice which I made myself from fresh wheat grass, I found that my energy being drained to such an extent that I can tell you what it is like to be at death door. A friend later told me that wheat grass is very very cooling. It is many, many times more cooling than barley, watermelon or chrysanthemum. So check if you are the yin or the yang before you take wheat grass. Some food are suitable for the yin, and some food are suitable for the yang.

Franchising mini farms

Why not franchise mini farms? This is one market I believe has a lot of potential.

More International Schools in Singapore

One way to promote interaction among citizens around the world is for them to build International schools here in Singapore so students from all over the world can study and learn from each other. It will be a good way for citizens from all over the world to learn about each other's culture and languages. It will provide citizens a Singapore's perspective of living together.