Tuesday, January 26, 2016

What is coming down the road?

After the oil price decline shock, many are wondering what"s coming next. Lindsey William did warn in advance about deflation in everything except food as well as rise in interest rates. Those people including businesses in debt and who lives on credit will be hit by rise in interest rates. There is no mention regarding how fast interest rate will rise or how high interest rate will rise. Those who were very skeptical about Lindsey William, who has friends in high places, are now paying close attention to what he is saying. In Lindsey William's video, he even advise people to take notes and to listen very carefully to the "buzz" words his friends in high places use. He also mentioned about the Devil's Messiah, which means it can't be something good.

So what's coming next? I would recommend listening to Doc Marquis or purchasing his DVD's because in his videos, he even outlined the 7 point plan the Illuminati are using to control the World, they call it the New World Order. So, who is Doc Marquis? He says he is a 7th generation Illuminati witch, but says he is no longer with them, which means he is an ex-illuminati witch. There are some people who don't believe as yet that Illuminati exists or that they are all that powerful and have no idea what their organization structure is like and have no idea what this New World Order is about. He also talks about the anti-Christ. After listening to his videos, have think-tank discussions to discuss what to do? But I suggest that they be divided into different groups in different locations and not all huddled in one location. This is no fun and games. 

When you read the newspapers it is mostly about what has already happened. 

Weight Management Program

I had just purchased a weight management program, but after taking their products I had severe diarrhea, but they call it detox (removal of toxins). When I purchased the program, no advisory was given that I will have severe diarrhea. It seems like this "detox" experience is like having food poisoning, because when you have food poisoning, you will also have severe diarrhea. I hope the Health Authorities will look into "detox" products and have them come with an advisory that you can get severe diarrhea. I have heard of cases where individuals have gone for "detox" and instead of becoming healthier, they actually got sicker. When you get diarrhea, your body becomes weaker, because most of what you eat will pass out as waste.

Herbal Candies

I have come across many cases where individuals have found great herbal formulas. One way of reaching a wide audience is to create herbal candies or herbal jellies with different concentrate for different groups of individuals. Since herbs are considered natural ingredients, these candies and herbal jellies can be marketed on a massive scale. There are already quite a number of these in the market.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

What did Donald Trump say?

One of the main messages of Donald Trump is "Find out what is going on?" If you want a more peaceful and prosperous world, everyone need to do some research and thinking. "Find out what is going on?

Find out what is going on in everything!!

I had a dream

I had a dream last night, where I floated high into the clouds, then in an instant a bright light appeared and I saw Jesus. In a loud thundering voice, Jesus declared "I will not be coming if million or billions of people are killed."

Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Speculation vs investment

Since the big market crash of 2001 and 2008, what has changed in the financial markets, mainly bail outs. Ref (http://www.sott.net/article/250592-Audit-of-the-Federal-Reserve-Reveals-16-Trillion-in-Secret-Bailouts) Audit of Federal Reserve reveal 16 Trillion in secret bailouts. Until many of the gambling and speculation is taken out of the financial markets and commodity markets, the same results will continue to occur.  Taking  gambling and speculation out of the financial markets will probably lead to a lot of job losses, but these financial gamblers and speculators can create tsunami financial crisis. TPTB {the powers that are) control the direction of many world affairs. So what can the masses do? How to get money to finance projects that will benefit the majority of the people on this planet? I leave this to all the intelligent people in the world to figure this out because if this happens there will be less wars and less inequality, there will be no need for violent revolutions. Besides, there's lot of money to be made as well, because you will be catering to 98% of the population of 7 billion people.