Saturday, August 23, 2014

The next stage of growth for Singaporeans

The next stage of growth for Singaporeans is to allow Singaporeans who already has a HDB flat (at least 5 years) and the flat is fully paid up to buy another HDB flat from the HDB. The prices of private apartments have gone up so much that most HDB flat owners cannot afford to buy private properties. I remember one Minister said that if Singaporeans cannot afford to buy the expensive private properties, then don't buy, but then they have to build properties that more Singaporeans can afford.

This proposal will narrow the wealth gap among Singaporeans. 

Many are wondering all the land used up for building expensive private apartments, how many can afford them and how many of them are empty. This on the other hand is widening the wealth gap among Singaporeans and foreigners. Many are feeling that Singapore is now catering more for the Elite, a deviation from LKY's and Goh Chok Tong's policies.

Now the government is intending to do some very expensive relocation like the Science Centre and the underground link in Jurong. We seem to be having more billion dollar projects like the Garden By the Bay and Jewel. All this money can be used to upgrade the toilets in food courts and hawker centers. More Singaporeans frequents these facilities.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Long, long time ago, Earth was thought of as the only habitable planet in the Universe, but now we know that Earth is like a grain of sand in the Universe, yet we, the inhabitants are not treasuring all that we have on this planet. 

The treasures in the Universe lie outside Earth which are unlimited, so why all these wars on earth fighting for this grain of sand in the Universe?

Perhaps what I have written above is incorrect.

Friday, August 08, 2014

Who is the Anti-Christ?

Many people have been speculating who the Anti-Christ is?

From what I have gathered from information on the internet, he is someone living in the Middle East, could be of Mongolian descent,  have studied in Egypt and is a member of the NAZI Party, so he has access to all the literature about Hitler. He is studying everything about Hitler and his tactics plus all the mistakes made by Hitler, so as to be sure not to repeat them. He will initially appear as a religious leader with miraculous skills and charisma, so he will trick many into following him. 

Why will the Anti-Christ become so powerful, because he will have many factions helping(using) him, thinking that he will help them achieve their goals towards a One World Government but he is going to betray them.

I hope the above is just a figment of my imagination.

Sunday, August 03, 2014

The Third Anti-Christ

Please go to the above link and read about the Third Anti-Christ and the destruction he is going to bring to the World.

I am putting an alert to this, hoping that it will not come to pass.

He (the third anti-christ) will succeed in conquests but only at the cost of terrible bloodshed by conventional weapons, but he will save his nuclear arsenal for later unspeakable deeds. So many people will be killed that the living will not be able to haul them away to be buried fast enough. The people of the world will be accustomed to the sight of corpses, and the sight of death will will not make people squeamish because they will be around it so much.

The Antichrist will be in action near the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, and the Arabian Sea. He will gain immense world-wide power.

The Antichrist will take over Iran by using a human decoy to trick the Ayatollah in power. 

When the Antichrist is taking over Europe, nuclear weapons will wreak havoc like lighting strikes, and from them a "milky rain" will occur. Weapons currently beyond our imagination will wreak unparalleled devastation. Corpses will litter the landscape. The very earth will "cry out in pain." The Antichrist will be so terrible, horrible, and powerful that the rightful rulers of countries will be utterly terrified and will not do anything to stop his ravages. Entire dynasties will be wiped out.