Sunday, August 03, 2014

The Third Anti-Christ

Please go to the above link and read about the Third Anti-Christ and the destruction he is going to bring to the World.

I am putting an alert to this, hoping that it will not come to pass.

He (the third anti-christ) will succeed in conquests but only at the cost of terrible bloodshed by conventional weapons, but he will save his nuclear arsenal for later unspeakable deeds. So many people will be killed that the living will not be able to haul them away to be buried fast enough. The people of the world will be accustomed to the sight of corpses, and the sight of death will will not make people squeamish because they will be around it so much.

The Antichrist will be in action near the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, and the Arabian Sea. He will gain immense world-wide power.

The Antichrist will take over Iran by using a human decoy to trick the Ayatollah in power. 

When the Antichrist is taking over Europe, nuclear weapons will wreak havoc like lighting strikes, and from them a "milky rain" will occur. Weapons currently beyond our imagination will wreak unparalleled devastation. Corpses will litter the landscape. The very earth will "cry out in pain." The Antichrist will be so terrible, horrible, and powerful that the rightful rulers of countries will be utterly terrified and will not do anything to stop his ravages. Entire dynasties will be wiped out.

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