Friday, September 25, 2009

Conflict Investiment

There will be some who will continue to instigate wars using whatever reasons or excuse they can come up with. Neverending small wars all over the world will be benefiting those where money is flowing into their pockets. But evidence is coming that these people who have instigated wars for their benefits will be brought to justice. 

For the majority of citizens around the world, focus on building rather than destruction. Focus on constructing the paradise on this planet that we know can come about. There will be those who will call for sanctions against countries to prevent them from progressing. They may even be getting the terrorist to do their job for them. So, if you are a terrorist, you will be very angry (even kicking in your graves)  to know that your activities are being used for your enemies' benefit. You thought you were creating havoc for your "Allah" but actually these few individuals are benefiting from your terrorist acts. They are actually saying, more, more terrorist acts, cause you are giving them excuses to do what they want. It gives them an excuse to bring in their armies into your countries. They may even have staged some of these acts and even more may be coming. These "Osama Bin Laden" tapes are  very worrying, for if there are any more devious act, they can just say, there "Osama Bin Laden" came out with the warnings, we told you he was devious. People are looking to see how successful Americans can bring these perpetrators to justice. So if you are a terrorist, give up all these terrorist act but rather go grow vegetables or rear animals for food. This is the best response to your enemies.

What about countries that already have nuclear weapons? Read "Confessions of an economic hit man" by John Perkins. The public is not as gullible as some would like to believe, where leaders who are doing good for their countries are "taken out" for not following the agenda set by some of these people.

Expect more threats and actions by some of these people in countries that already have nuclear weapons on countries who do not have them. I empasize here "some", these few, who will carry out their heinous agenda behind the scene.

I believe most Jews, Muslims etc as with all other races are peaceful. It is only a very few who want to carry out their agenda at whatever cost, even if it destroys the whole human race or our planet. We are at a very dangerous crossroad. Find the "few" and stop them from carrying out "armageddon".

Focus on the "few" who want to carry out "armageddon" and stop them. Time is running short.
In the mean time, let us all focus on how to grow our own food, for this is what is necessary to stop the world from being held hostage by these "few". 

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sustaining our Planet

In order for our planet to continue to exist, take care of the masses all around the world. Less unequality among the masses will profit the countries that practice this. Implementing policies that takes care of masses will ensure prosperity for these countries. 

Most of the richest men in the world attitude is who cares.

We are all interconnected. The richer these richest men get, the more unstable the world will become. 

Spending those $US reserves

Nations will realise that spending those $US dollar reserves by buying USA goods and services will bring about stability in the world. Free trade = multilateral trade not one way trade. You have to take care of your customers. If you want Americans to buy more of your goods, you need to buy their goods too. The other way is for Nations to distribute these $US dollar reserves to its citizen for travel to USA and spend their money there. 

Spend those $US reserves buying USA goods and services, it is common sense.

A USA dollar collapse is not going to help any nations with huge US$ reserves. 

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Join WTO - end of wars???

Can joining WTO end wars? 

Financial Derivatives - Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction

George Bush forgot to look at Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction - the Financial Derivatives.

$$$$$Financial Derivatives - Insurance Companies????

So how deep are insurance companies in financial derivatives??

The Greatest Financial Casino = Financial Derivatives

Friday, September 18, 2009

Lucifer's strategies

Lucifer's strategies appear to be create small but spectacular disaster and use this pretext  for full invasion or destruction. Suffer some pain but respond with greater pain for others. 

Any "Osama bin Laden's" misguided action on US will give US (some individuals in US) a solid reason to respond with devastating results on the "perpetrator". Only when you see the response that you will understand the purpose.

This is likely to happen as it has already been mentioned that "Osama" will do something even more devious than 911. Biden had also mentioned that Obama will be tested during his Presidency. So how does Biden know??? War expenses cannot continue indefinitely. Either US pull out of the wars or this "Osama bin Laden" heinous action will take place.

People are wondering how Osama's tapes can appear on main media, but no one seems to be able to locate him?????

Let us pray that good will prevail over evil.

Are Singaporeans getting enough sunshine

Huh! Singapore is in the equatorial belt with lots of sunshine all year round. But, Singapore workers leave for work around 8 am and reach home around 8 pm and so they have not much chance to get sunshine except during the weekend. Singapore workers have little time for exercise and entertainment during the weekdays. With emphasis on increasing productivity,  this means workers have to put in more effort, which means more stress. Is there any study on whether the health of Singapore workers are deteriorating due to the long hours of work? Is work productivity affecting health of workers?

During the World Economic Forum 2009, it was mentioned that Asians save too much while Americans spend too much and that there has to be a balance. This mentality is not going to be easy to change unless governments play a role in encouraging more spending. Here spending, I do not mean reckless spending. For example, take time to go to the movies, go for holidays.There need to be time for relaxation and enjoyment or else the human spirit can just wane away.  Spend some money to buy strawberries or grapes, if you can afford it. It is true, if citizen save too much, then investments banks have to think of ways to invest this money and they can easily lose this hard earned money. There is first of all a fear in loss of jobs in Asian countries. Many had experienced poverty and hardship in previous generations and are afraid of losing their 'rice bowl'.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Monthly Public disclosure of financial derivatives

Require banks, companies, institutions, organisations etc to disclose on a monthly basis their activities on financial derivatives. 

Saturday, September 12, 2009

6 billion people only 1 Zbigniew Brzezinski

There are 6 billion of us and only 1 Zbigniew Brzezinski. 

6 billion brains vs 1 Zbigniew Brzezinski brain.

Set up agricultural institutes in your country

If you are rich and have money, set up agricultural institutes in your country. 

Teach everyone to grow vegetables and rear chickens for food. 

Apartments can have rooms with sewage connections, so people living in apartments can grow vegetables and rear chickens for food. Violence is the weapon of D evil. If you take to violence, then D evil has succeeded. 

Spread the Truth Information

It is better to share Truth information than to carry weapons and fight another. Don't be the ants that fight one another. Sit down and chat and have tea or coffee together and discuss how Zbigniew Brzezinski is affecting your lives and your families, if his agenda has not already affected you, it is going to affect you, wherever you are in the world through WWW3.

Zbigniew Brzezinski

Get to know who is Zbigniew Brzezinski and his agenda. It is your duty to know who Zbigniew Brzesinski is. Read Obama - The postmodern Coup by Webster Tarpley.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Prayers for peace, good to win over evil

Whatever your religion or race, say prayers for peace, that good will win over evil. Let us all join together in whatever country you are in, whatever community you are in, in prayers for peace, that good will win over evil. Let us all stay strong that money will not corrupt. Greed has blinded many that will lead to the implosion of financial derivatives. 

We pray for peace and that good will win over evil.

We pray for peace and that good will win over evil..

We pray for peace and that good will win over evil.

Share cooking recipes with friends all over the world. Spread joy and happiness. Appreciate all the wonderful nature around us.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

What is the position of derivatives?

Publish data on companies' position on derivatives, the total amount and percentage. You hear daily news of how the economy is "recovering". Only those who are not aware are being let up the path of ultimate destruction.

How much should financial executives be paid?

How much should financial executives in banks be paid? Firstly, they are not using their own money to invest. They have no personal risk. CEOs are not stupid, they are the people running the companies, they know how well the company is doing and in what directions the companies are going. They are not going to sweat for the company and let investors enjoy the fruit of their labour. That is why, the stock market is no longer performing on fundamentals. 

If financial executives are paid only $2000 a month, more people will go into the productive side of the economy. 

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Go Enjoy Yourself

If you are filty rich, just go and enjoy yourself. Do what you like. Let the world go about peacefully with new inventions and a new wonderful world, a new paradise. Be an Enabler rather than a Disabler.

New Galactic Currency

I personally believe a new Galactic Currency is more important than some new world currency. Planet earth is limited while the galaxy is unlimited. In order for us to explore the galaxy, we have to be not limited by earth monetary system. There will have to be some exchange between earth monetary system and galactic currency. For example, 1 earth dollar = 10 000 galactic currency. This will enable people to travel on space ships. With this galactic currency, space stations etc. will come about faster.

New Galactic Currency

I personally believe a new Galactic Currency is more important than some new world currency. Planet earth is limited while the galaxy is unlimited. In order for us to explore the galaxy, we have to be not limited by earth monetary system. There will have to be some exchange between earth monetary system and galactic currency. For example, 1 earth dollar = 10 000 galactic currency. This will enable people to travel on space ships. With this galactic currency, space stations etc. will come about faster.