Friday, October 23, 2009

An education system that prepares the individual

Here is my recommendation :

Include in the the education system some modules to teach students how to grow vegetables and rear chickens, ducks etc.

If there are not enough jobs to go around, individuals will be able to provide for themselves.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Dig Dig Dig baby

Dig, dig, dig but not for oil but for wells and canals. This will ensure constant supply of water to drought countries. This is a challenge I would like to throw to the Elite who control the planet. Dig, dig, dig for wells and canals. Have water pipes throughout lands that need them. Make agriculture a flourishing business. Money to be poured into agricultural lands rather than into Wall Street. Make our planet, the paradise that it is meant to be. Not only will the masses benefit but the Elite themselves. They can look at themselves and their achievements rather than war, loss of limbs, sorrows, pain, hurt.

A Sustainable Planet

Agricultural based societies lead to a sustainable planet. Canals, wells can be dug in areas hit by drought. Solutions can be brought to drought regions. The technology is here. When solutions to these problems are carried out, you will know that we have the right people in  control, people who care for the masses and not just accumulation of wealth. We do not need to have wars. A sustainable planet with plants and animals is a vision that the people on this planet can achieve. The alternative that some individuals want on this planet, to destroy everything so that they can gain control.

Friday, October 09, 2009

Horrible graphic pictures of horrors of war

Horrible graphic pictures of horrors of war will decide the outcome of wars. Have these pictures posted on medias and you will know what the outcome of wars will be. Have all kinds of graphic images of what all these fighting has done to innocent women and children, and the people will want to stop all these cruel inhuman acts, acts of cruelty to humanity, war crimes, war injustice, torture. This just goes to show how a few men, with satanic tendencies decide the fate of men. Show how soldiers return with terrible, terrible wounds and loss of limbs, legs, hand, face blown off and you know that there is only one decision on war. That is to end it. There is a smart way to end war. Listen to Benjamin Fulford.

But  the greed of men is to be blamed too, leading foot soldiers to fight foot soldiers. If they just get to talk to one another they will get to be wiser.