Sunday, May 01, 2011

Worldwide public debate on alien technology and suppressed energy technology

World wide public debate on alien technology and suppressed energy technology is needed to bring our planet forward and not on a trail of disasters. 

If you are wondering what all those plastic coffins are all over USA - seen in Alex Jones videos - I believe these are being prepared for the people who are going to die from earthquakes and tsunamis in the 'Madrid' fault and the Supervolcano eruption of Yellowstone - man made disasters made to look like natural disasters using prophecies. HAARP!!

It is my feeling that Bill Clinton was going to come forward about all the evil doings to mankind, that they threw those charges at him to silence him.

Canadian Paul Hellyer admits USA has alien technology:

Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about where we're headed (nuclear war) and offered to help. But some had interpreted these visitors as threats and decided to shoot first and answer questions later. It is ironic that USA would begin a devastating war allegedly in search of weapons of mass destruction when the most worrisome development in this field are occurring in their own backyard. The military has spent billions of dollars  on what the Congress and the Commander in Chief are kept in the dark. There is a government within the government who is in control.

It is imperative that leaders in the world find out who is this government within the government is, in control for the sake of the future of the world and for generations to come. This is something that has to be approached worldwide.

Do you want to experience the world as forseen by scientists all over the world? - See Professor Michio Kaku - The world in 2030.

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