Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Focusing on construction and not destruction

Follow the trail of money that is being spent building weapons and creating wars. If leaders do not change their plans and continue to destroy instead of building, then there is a need to change the leaders. It is not possible to conquer the hearts of men through war. A better way is to have more schools and institutions of learning, agricultural schools and institutions.

What is there to fear other than nuclear weapons and HAARP? Schools can only bring about good. Bring on the hidden energy and antigravity technology. Sharing of such information with the scientific community can bring about huge gains in new inventions. New money can be made. Life can be more exciting.

Reminds me of the movie on the last Emperor of china - the Emperor just enjoyed himself at his palace not caring how the rest of his country lived. He was too confident of his power.

Those with lots of land are not fully utilising their resources. There need to have spaces for plants. It is important not to only retain the natural forests but to create new ones. (Management of forests to prevent forest fires). Tornadoes and hurricanes are trying to tell mankind what to do.

Use resources to bring about good for as many people as possible.

Lucifer wants to do away with the middle class that can think and only wants to have slaves and themselves in control. ... The last Emperor of China.....

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