Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Creating a new destiny for mankind

Too much money is going into production of weapons. In USA, from what I have read, every 50 cents out of a dollar goes into production of weapons, Missile Defence Shield (Stars Wars) and other black ops operations that citizens have no idea what they are.

Let's look at what is important and needs to be done all over the world:

1) Management of forests - preventing fires, illegal logging

2) Planting new trees, fruit trees and flowers

3) Cleaning up of rivers, lakes, oceans

4) Producing clean water and energy

This is the world we want.

Why are all these objectives not being pursued? Read the Iron Mountain Report and you will know why these objectives are not being pursued. If you read about disease, wars, poverty .. these are the pursuit and objectives of the Luciferian cult. The first thing the United Nations have to do, is to go after the Luciferian cult. The people are tired of wars and listening to wars on the media. We want to hear about new inventions which will make the lives of the people better. Perhaps the Federal Reserve, which people are looking at pursuing policies that are not benefitting the people, can put up a $100 million or $1 Trillion reward for whoever can discover the lost works of Victor Shauberger or who can pursue this perpetual motion machine. If you look out into space, everything is floating in space. Planets are rotating without using any form of energy that we know of.

What is Wikileaks leaking .. all the unimportant conversations. Where are the hidden works of antigravity? This is what people want to know.

It is quite obvious that Strauss Kahn - being handcuffed and treated this way .. it is a political move.

A more caring world (Not New World Order) that can be created from leaders from any part of the world .. globalisation.

The younger generation is waking up, but they have to be careful not to be used. Don't demonstrate without knowing who is the hidden power behind the scene.

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