Saturday, October 22, 2011

Hold public talks with the World Financiers

One of the best way to resolve the financial crisis is to hold public forums with the people who control the World Financial System. There has to be some accountability. Many people are still unaware or in disbelief that there is absolutely a group of people who control the destiny of countries. These "elitist" decide which countries are allowed to prosper and which countries should be taken down. A lot of it off course lies with their own country rulers, whether they distribute the wealth to the people or not. It came quite as a shock to learn that citizens of some Arab countries live on only 2 dollars a day.

Fact 1 : The Federal Reserve is owned by a group of individuals and not the citizens of America. It is not under the control of the American government. Many do not believe this to be true. The public thinks that the Federal Reserve is owned by the Government of the United States of America. Well, if these individuals own the Federal Reserve, and the US Dollars is the World Currency, can you now see how these individuals control the World. As Obama had said during his election campaign "he will go through line by line" - the budget and the expenses of the Federal Reserve - go through line by line. 

The "elitist" who control the world do not believe that all countries can prosper at the same time. If Orchid flourishes then Hibiscus has to wither. I hope that the "elitist" will reconsider and find solutions to allow all countries to trade with one another and prosper.

As Webster Tarpley has proposed, tax the derivatives market and the World Financial Crisis will be solved over night. In the public forum with the World Financiers, ask why the Derivatives Market cannot be taxed. 

On Terrorist 9 -11 . Who was the President and Vice President of the United States when 911 occurred?

Answer : George Bush Jr and Dick Cheney.  Full Stop.

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