Monday, October 24, 2011

Euro collapse and behold a pale horse - Bill Cooper

When I first heard William Cooper "Behold a pale horse", I had difficulty trying to understand what he was trying to say because everything still appeared to be fine. Everything was going fine with people profiting from rising house prices very rapidly, until the housing bubble burst. Massive numbers of people lost their homes in the United States of America (to my knowledge) and some other countries?

There is a lot of difference between someone taking down their political opponents and a group of men taking down countries. When countries become bankrupt, the masses suffers.

But, with the imminent collapse of some European countries, what he had been saying in "Behold a pale horse" is becoming clearer. Bankrupt nations that borrow from the International Monetary Fund or World Bank may/are going to lose their sovereignty.

The Terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre on 911 - what happened after that? United States went to war with Iraq and Afghanistan. I have no inside knowledge, I am no journalist and I am no agent - but what happened after 911 gives clues as to what is going on.

The whole picture has not yet been revealed but bits and pieces of clues are appearing. Americans and Europeans, I urge you to listen to "Behold a pale horse" by William Cooper. William Cooper is no personal friend of mine but he has already left this planet surmise is that he died for revealing certain highly classified information. I am under no illusion that what happens in America and Europe has no impact on will come upon everyone of us on this planet if we just sit in the car and fall asleep while the driver is bringing us to a new destination (it doesn't appear to be a wonderful new destination but rather leading us to a society led by the Luciferian cult called "The New World Order".)

A lot of people thinks that what Alex Jones is saying is a lot of hot air, but it is becoming clearer what he is trying to warn the people in America. Switch off CNN, because it is no longer the CNN it used to be. 

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