Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Rulers of the World

Here is an exam question. Who are the rulers of the World? Committee of 300, Council of Foreign Relations, Club of Rome etc. please do your research and learn more about who are ruling the world. 

The next question is what is their Agenda? Depopulation - their reason is that there are too many people on this planet and if the population is not reduced, the population will destroy the planet. But you see more and more accidental pollution by oil spills, forest fires and chemical plant explosions. These accidental pollution are destroying the planet not the population. 

Extreme weather of flood and drought - with globalisation all these problems can be solved.

How about too many cars on the roads and pollution by these vehicles? People can be persuaded to take public transport if there are efficient public transport for them to take. There seems to be a tussel between the car manufacturers and the people in control of petrol.

There is no lack of ideas on solving problems on our planet but the question is why don't they do it then. It is more likely that there is a hidden agenda and solving problems on our planet do not fit it with their agenda. When we get to know what the agenda is, it will be too late.

Webster Tarpley is suggesting many realistic solutions to present day problems but will they be implemented. The answer is no, if it does not fit in with the agenda of the rulers of the world. It is like banging your head against the wall. It will just get bloody and no action will be taken. 

If you are protesting in the street, you are being allowed to do so by the rulers of the world, it is because it fits in with their agenda. You are genuinely frustrated, angry and have many grievances and so you innocently march into the street, but have you spoken to the heads of the police, the military etc. before you go out and march into the street. Are your police and military standing on the side of the people or will they follow the instructions of the Rulers of the World? The Arab spring already shows you what has been planned by the Rulers of the World. She came, she saw and he died. 

When everything is revealed, it will be too late. Just like the Commanders and Generals of Hitler, they just followed him until they realise what he was trying to do.

Read Pike's letter where it was revealed to him by Lucifer that there were going to be 3 world wars detailing who is going to fight against whom and the result to be secured. It has all been planned and are being planned. So all the Commanders, Generals and devout followers of Rulers of the World, don't be too confident that you stand with the Winner who is going to take care of you because the Winner may not. You will end up like the Commanders and Generals of Hitler.

Do your own research and find out who wants to come out the Winner of the battles on this planet. There is not going to be golden days ahead with a new sunrise unless mankind wakes up and realise not to fight one another but work together to find solutions to solve problems on this planet. There are off course racists but they will just be used by the Rulers of the World to achieve their agenda.

Lucifer will do anything to achieve his agenda - murder, assassinate, bribe, bring destruction. The Rulers of the World decide who lives and who dies.

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