Tuesday, April 19, 2011

HAARP-don't know, don't believe, don't care

Many people don't know that there is such a thing called HAARP. Science has taken leaps and bounds but many are still ignorant of all the new inventions which have existed or are being discovered. Some who may have heard talk of HAARP don't believe that some countries can have such an advanced equipment. Some are too busy dashing here and there trying to earn a few bucks to survive, they have no time to care about such things. Many will not believe that some men can be so evil to do harm to the rest of mankind. Will they really use a weather machine to cause weather havoc on earth? It can't be. They cannot be so wicked and evil.

It can't be. They cannot be so wicked to intentionally release virus into the population.

It can't be. They cannot be so wicked to be using HAARP to cause floodings, tornados or earthquakes.

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