Saturday, April 09, 2011

Death of our Planet

Our planet is slowing dying now and more upheavals are expected to come. Is there an unnatural human interference to cause great catastrophe to our earth?? What about HAARP? We, the public would like other world leaders to comment on HAARP. This piece of HAARP equipment is sitting somewhere in Alaska or Antartic.


Our children are crying, hear what they say.
Don't take our tomorrow and throw it away.

Our planet is dying because you don't care.
With your misguided science you're polluting our air.

You cut too much forest for monetary gain.
The ground is so thirsty, no trees, mean no rain.

You've poisoned our oceans with filthy refuse.
Our fish, many are dying through senseless abuse.

Is this the inheritance you old ones will leave?
You are stealing our birthright, and for this we grieve.

We'll have no tomorrow unless you take heed.
And cease the destruction you cause by your greed.

So list' to our crying, and hear what we say.
Give back our tomorrow, take heed today.

Stop your pollution before it's too late.
Or we'll all have no future, but share the same fate.

Many dolphins have been found dead with burns on their bodies being washed ashore. Hundreds of thousands of birds have dropped dead from the sky. Has some secret machine been used to cause the death of these birds? Strange animal deaths have also been reported. Maybe the good secret societies can shed some light on this.

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