Friday, March 25, 2011

"Free" Energy technology is already available

Nothing is free on this planet. If this technology is available, they can charge a monthly fee for use of the energy. I have to pay a monthly fee for my setup box to watch television apart from fees on the television set. So, I cannot understand why this technology cannot be brought out. Why are people putting all the money on all these derivatives placed on oil, gas, coal etc. when they can put all that money on this "new" technology because it will bring even greater profits to all these people? The "Orion" Project!! Many new devices can be invented when this new energy is brought out. Our whole civilization will be become a civilization 1. So what is this about pollution from carbon dioxide? Now we have pollution from nuclear materials. It is time for this energy technology to be brought out.

Time to bury the damaged Japanese Nuclear Reactor which is emitting radiation. It is cheaper to bury the damaged Japanese Nuclear Reactor then to let it continue emitting radiation. The cost involved in destroying crops and and water being radiated will be incalculable. You cannot scrub away the nuclear materials from the ground and water and our oceans. Other than costs, when more and more people are sent to hospitals due to radiation and dying from radiation ...hell will break loose. 

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