Sunday, August 06, 2006

Eating the right amount

Eat more fruit. Eat less fatty foods. There have been many advice on food out there but for the not so knowlegeable, what does more of this or less of that mean? Eat the right amounts of the various types of food. So how much is the right amount of food? Hope there's lots of materials out there to help you. I had to do my own trials and experiments to find out, sometimes with quite dire consequences. However, being aware of finding the right amount to eat is important for one's health. Eating too much or too little can be detrimental to health.

Eat an apple a day keeps the doctor away. This is easy, it says just eat an apple a day. But there will be some who will eat 2 or more apples a day or even a whole basket of them, thinking that the more the better.

Eat more water melon because these fruits contains lots of water, so some say. But some say water melon is a cooling fruit but there are some who do not believe in such things as cooling food and heaty food. Chilli is heaty food says others. Remember, eat the right amounts of various types of food. Create an awareness in yourself that not only the types of food can affect your health but also the amount of food that is consumed.

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