Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Why are there no slums in Singapore?

There are poor people in Singapore but there are no slums. This is not by accident. Someone or a group of people in the Government got to solving the problem. What is the definition of a slum? A slum is a squalid section of a city. In simple terms, it is a collection of a group of poor people living together. So what is the solution to avoid slums? Don't put all the poor people together. Don't house all the poor people together. In any housing projects, cater to the housing of the poor, the average Joe and the wealthy. When you group people from various financial status, the wealthy can help the poor, the poor can look to work for the rich; the poor can learn for the rich and the rich can teach the poor. This will also expose the rich to experience and understand the plight of the poor. There are some areas in Singapore that are more exclusive to the richer section of the population.

If you have benefitted from the information in this article, trade with Singapore, work with Singaporeans. Let Singapore play a greater role in world affairs. Just a reminder, low crime rate does not mean no crime.

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