Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Story of the scorpion and the tortoise

Many are familiar with the story of the scorpion and the tortoise. One rainy day, the scorpion wanted to cross the lake to the other side. So he sat at the edge of the lake and waited until he saw a tortoise coming. He quickly ran towards the tortoise and asked the tortoise to take him on his back to the other side of the lake. The kind tortoise was just too happy to be of help. So the scorpion jumped on the tortoise back and the tortoise took the scorpion safely to the opposite side of the lake. When they reached the opposite shore, the scorpion stung the tortoise, and the tortoise gave a large wail and said, "I helped you to cross the lake, why did you sting me and now I am going to die." The scorpion replied "because that is my nature."

You hear of bombs going off here and going off there. You hear of wars here and wars there. But something else is happening. You noticed that destruction is coming towards you. So you asked Lucifer " why do you want to destroy us. We have been very loyal to you. We pray to you every day and we offer sacrifices to you very often." Lucifer laughed and said "because that is my nature.

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