Here are some suggestions for insurance companies to improve their business. Insurance companies can improve their business by giving their clients free, or subsidised yearly checkups or requiring clients to go for yearly checkups for cheaper insurance premiums. Insurance companies that follow the health of their clients yearly will likely have lesser payouts than those who don't. Insurance companies can tie up with health products companies and introduce these to their clients and offer health seminars for free or discounted rates to their clients and hence ensure that their clients are having the best of products and information available to keep a healthy lifestyle. For people who suffer from high blood pressure, if they know how to monitor their blood pressure daily or regularly, they can prevent a heart attack or stroke and avoid being paralysed.
If you find the above information useful to you, please send a cheque to
Joanna Leong Suet Fong
27 Jalan Chengkek
Singapore 369248
Thank you.
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