Sunday, May 31, 2009

As popular as Elvis Presley

Even though Aidan Davis did not win the Britain Got Talent 2009, I think he is going to be as famous as Elvis Presley, maybe even more.

He is an inspiration for the young as well as the old.

I predict he will be appearing on every billboard very, very soon.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Greatest Fear

is that the brain behind 911 is not the man sitting in some caves in Afghanistan. It means that he is on the loose amongst one of you and he is a mad Devil seeking to cause catastrophe to achieve his goals. God help us all.

Here's my reply to Benjamin Fulford

There is no point in sending out threats especially to the most powerful people on this planet. If there is going to be any change, it has to come from the inside, that is, some of the people who are in the group do not agree on the way the things have taken shape and take steps to change it. When blind ambition has blinded some of the members, those who can still see a better way of doing things and decide on a better path will lie the future of this planet. Otherwise, when a critical mass of the world is reached and understands and know that there are better ways of running this planet will we see change for a happier, healthier world. 

Those who have a responsibility in the torture of prisoners show their true colors. They are inhumane and should be recognised as such. The "brain" behind 911 is still on the loose. Those loved ones who were killed in the 911, if they follow the events of post 911 should be able to tell the truth from falsehood. 

Soldiers on duty in Iraq and Afghanistan want to go home. They know what is happening. Some of them, I think rather kill themselves than participate in what they know is not right (this is just my feeling). Let Obama bring them home as he had promised in the campaign trail. 

If you follow the events of Thailand, how the political party voted in by the people were ousted on the charge of corruption......makes you wonder.

Former South Korean President, a people President committed suicide ... hmmm another thing to ponder on.

Time will tell whether Obama can do what he promised during his campaign

I believe USA President Obama will try to do what he promised and more during his term in his office. But alot of obstacles seem to be in his way. He and his wife Michelle are honest folks who have succeeded from the bottom up. Let's see how he is going to manoevre his way around all the obstacles, but with his strong support from the voters, I believe he will be able to achieve what he knows needs to be done. 

Britain Got Talent 2009

Gregg Pritchard....
Hmm.. he was a real suprise in his first audition in Britain Got Talent 2009. He seems to perform better when he concentrates with  his eyes closed.

I think his cape distracted him in his semi-finals. 

Sad not to see him in the Finals though.

Sue Son is another very talented lady. If she had smiled more may be she could have got more votes. It is disappointing not to be able to see her in the Finals though.

Super, super, super talented Aidan Davis

Britain Got Talent 2009.......Watch the super, super, super talented Aidan Davis, 11 yr old dancer.

He is just electrifying

In my opinion, he's a better dancer than Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake!!!    WOW

I think he's gonna win the Britain Got Talent 2009 contest.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Who is the new "Hitler"?

The new "Hitler" is not going to announce that he is "Hitler". Look at his methods, his cruelty,his inhumanity, his ambition and this will give you some clue who the new "Hitler" is. People tried to 44 times to assassinate the last Hitler.

Do you know who or what you are fighting for?

If you are a  terrorist, don't even bother to fight the soldiers, they are just wage earners. They are the pawn in a chess game. Know who and what you are fighting for. You both may be fighting for the same guy(s).......conspiracy theory. Whoever is behind the 911 bombing is the mad DEVIL, someone who wants power at all costs.

Looking at what has happened after the 911 incident, it should give you some idea who is behind the holocaust. Is it really the person who they say it is?.........another conspiracy theory.

More conspiracy theories ............some of the bombings may not have been done by the terrorists.

Another conspiracy theory ........these virus escaped from some lab......more may be on the way.

If you watched cataclysmo ..............if these people are not stopped, some mad Devil is going to bring disaster to this planet.

Hitler himself did not do all those terrible things by himself, he was helped by all his closest followers. Are we seeing a repeat of those times again? So who is the new "Hitler"?

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Unfounded fears of inflation

There is an unfounded fear of inflation if there is too much money in the system. This is the fear created to keep people poor. This is the 21st century, technology has advanced so tremendously, there are so many new things that can be done. Space exploration is now limited to only a few people, in time more and more people can be be involved in the space exploration industry. This is a very exciting arena. This is going to be an industry of unlimited possibilities. 

But it is true, one chicken used to cost $3/- now it is $6/-. This is 200% inflation, but the money going into citizens pocket has not increased by 200%/. We are having inflation, but the money citizens are getting are not compensating for inflation. This is  a double whammy. You have inflation, but the money supply to ordinary folks have not increased.

Walk around the world

With job losses, no money to travel, how about walking around the world. Good for health too. Good exercise walking around the world. Start a walk around the world movement. 

Money, Money Money

A more unlimited backing for money is actually money spent in the Universe. This is different from money spent on planet earth. Planet earth is limited. The Universe is unlimited. The way the world has been run has been limited by the money circulating on planet Earth where a few control the majority of the money. All the money spent on these financial products doesn't do much to promote the growth, prosperity on planet earth. 

Singapore has done much; with solar power, I look forward to having fans along covered walkways. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

More details on why I think money will be backed by land

Here are more details on why  I think money will be backed by land. Many experts are predicting steep rise in gold. If this happens it is not going to be good for the economy. It will be just speculation. If there is not enough bread to go around, gold is not going to fill your stomach. This will happen in a nuclear war. 

Land prices varies depending on what is on top of the land or below it. 
Agricultural land, Airport land, Residential land etc varies in prices. If land on one type of use is changed to another, the value of the land changes. However, it is not possible to try to convert land to only one type of use in order to increase the price of the land. This is because, society requires land for different purposes. Innovation, Technological changes etc will change the use of land and hence its price. Land use will evolve with time. Structures above the land as well as contents below the land can change with time. Land can be used more creatively and flexibly. Money is meant for easy trading, it is meant to go round and round in cycles. But with all the speculation and gambling in the financial sector, this is not going to help the economy. In fact, it is going to make the economy worse. Lots of money is being shifted from productive use to non productive use. But some of these people who benefit don't care, they just want to own as much money as possible and make as many people as possible to be as poor as can be.
World government, new world order will just make some people even richer and more people poorer.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Some are just born for wars - Beware

There are some people on this planet  who are just born for wars and know nothing else. They have absolutely no idea what other thing to do than to create wars. Beware of them. They are the ones who are going to be very persuasive, create all kinds of excuses, create fear and panic, arouse people to anger and when you are all fired up they are going to offer you the solution that war is neccessary to get rid of evil. You get it. War is good to get rid of evil. War itself is evil. Some of these people may have come from generations of generals and commanders. They stand out only in wars. There's going to be a lot of hype on TV to arouse people to support war. We know that a nuclear war will kill us all. No matter how reasonable or enticing the reason to go to war ...say never again. Wars only create destruction, poverty, sorrow and pain. Find leaders from all sides who want peace and prosperity. 

Beware of those who want to create wars. Remember a nuclear war will kill us all.

There are so many wonderful things to do in life. Look at Britain Got Talent. Some of them have such amazing gifts if only the education system had just asked them some questions, what do you like to do best, what talent do you think you have before putting them through an education system which does not recognise innate talent.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Law of Attraction

A paradigm shift. What would happen if every individual is given a monthly allowance of $500 for the rest of their lives? The possibilities are quite endless. Democracy is not about electing political parties, it is more to do with how much money citizens are getting. Are they given a say on this? 

I am putting out this message to the Universe according to law of attraction.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

What will happen to all the Defence personnel??

Best is to put them work as Scientific Innovators in all the various sectors of the economy. How about having restaurants on board these aircraft carriers?? This is one way of putting defence equipment for civilian use.

Rescueing damsel in distress

Damsel in distress need to have some Generals on her side. Even if power is handed to her, it can always be taken away, as is in her case, she was voted in, but where were her generals? Are generals supposed to protect the constitution in a country or support some individuals interest instead? There is something awaiting those Generals....... not good, not good thing

What Palestine can do?

The best thing for Palestine to do is to open up the country to tourists so people can go in and take a look. The same with IRAN, open up the country to tourists so people can go in an take a look for themselves and not just listen to BBC and CNN for news on these countries.

The silver tsunami

Community centres can organise weekend walks to botanic gardens, reservoirs, mt faber, etc. for senior citizens. Get the silver generation to go out on walks instead of staying at home all day so that they will not end up in wheel chairs. This will actually end up in savings with less senior citizens ending up in hospitals.

I am of the opinion that the silver generation are the ones who can bring about great changes to the world because of their experience and knowledge and not relegated as waiting for their time to be up.

I laugh when I read that Singaporean has no freedom of speech. Look at what Bush era has done much for freedom of speech in America. The man, John "splitting the sky" Boncore was arrested for trying to arrest Bush for war crimes.

Elimination of nuclear weapons

Citizens agenda for leaders

Eliminate nuclear weapons before some mad man cause a nuclear war. 

Divert more money from military spending to more inventions and scientific discoveries. Governments collect 7% gst, collaboration between private and government sectors in improving all sectors. Some have suggested that military spending actually brought about industrialisation and other benefits, but my argument is that all that money spent on military if diverted to other sectors will actually create more benefits and innovations.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

New Bold Steps to stop all the gloom and doom

Give everyone a $1 million dollars account but each can withdraw only $500 a month from that account. This amount can be reviewed from time to time. Those who want to spend more than $500 a month will have to work for it. Unlimited opportunities will arise. Many will come up with more ideas and creativity to make things happen. The world can be a marvellous world or a hellish one, it is up to mankind to decide. 

There have been some wrongs done, still waiting to see if actions taken to correct them. The financial system has still not changed!!!

Sunday, May 03, 2009


If you had watched one of Oprah Winfrey's episode, where she showed families consuming so much that their house become a warehouse. If you think, consumerism will bring back the economy, then there are many other consumers with no money but waiting to be consumers. One cannot expect the same wealthy people to keep consuming the same items.

Set up your own business, become an entrepreneur

If you are not happy working for a company, go set up a business.

If you are unhappy about things around you, go set up a business.

If you are not happy in your job, go set up a business.

If you are not happy with your boss, go set up a business.

If you are not happy about anything, forget about demonstrating, go set up a business.

When you eat, drink think setting up a business.

If you are watching TV, think setting up a business.

If you are listening to the radio, think setting up a business.

Whatever you are doing, think setting up a business.

Before you go to sleep, think setting up a business.

Before you wake up, think setting up a business.

With every step you take, think setting up a business.

With every word you read, think setting up a business.

Don't just complain, go set up a business.

Before you set up a business, make sure you have a smile on your face and ready to provide the best service.

Best of luck to all of you and great success in your business.

When you make enough money, you can decide what you want to do with it.

When you don't have money, it is just talk.