If you are not happy working for a company, go set up a business.
If you are unhappy about things around you, go set up a business.
If you are not happy in your job, go set up a business.
If you are not happy with your boss, go set up a business.
If you are not happy about anything, forget about demonstrating, go set up a business.
When you eat, drink think setting up a business.
If you are watching TV, think setting up a business.
If you are listening to the radio, think setting up a business.
Whatever you are doing, think setting up a business.
Before you go to sleep, think setting up a business.
Before you wake up, think setting up a business.
With every step you take, think setting up a business.
With every word you read, think setting up a business.
Don't just complain, go set up a business.
Before you set up a business, make sure you have a smile on your face and ready to provide the best service.
Best of luck to all of you and great success in your business.
When you make enough money, you can decide what you want to do with it.
When you don't have money, it is just talk.